"Are you sure?"

"Positive, miss."

The doorman even let them look inside the empty apartment. It was a huge, six thousand square-foot loft, and there was nothing in it but an abandoned television set. The walls were scratched from the furniture, and there was a ghostly outline of an L-shaped couch on the floor.

"It's selling for about five million, if anyone's interested," the doorman added. "I've got the broker's info downstairs."

"This just doesn't make sense." Schuyler said. "Why would his family move out so quickly? Don't they have enough to worry about with Dylan in jail?"

They walked around the empty apartment, as if trying to conjure up a reason for the Wards' sudden disappearance.

"Do you know where they went?" Schuyler asked the helpful doorman.

"Something about going back to Connecticut, I heard. Not sure."

The doorman led them out of the apartment and locked it behind them. They took the elevator back down to the lobby. Bliss took out the Duchesne directory from her Chlo�� Paddington bag. But the phone numbers for Dylan's parents listed in the book were out of service. There were no new listings.

"Did you guys ever meet his parents?" Bliss asked, putting her cell phone away.

Again, Schuyler and Oliver shook their heads.

"I think he had a brother in college," Schuyler volunteered, feeling more and more guilty for not knowing much about their friend. They hung out at school every day, and every weekend. And yet, when pressed, neither Schuyler nor Oliver could remember anything about Dylan's background.

"He didn't talk about himself much," Oliver said. "He was kind of quiet."

"He probably couldn't get a word in," Bliss joked. "Between the two of you, I mean - when you're together you guys tend to take over."

Schuyler accepted the observation without feeling insulted. They did tend to take over. She and Oliver had been friends for so long, and they were so used to each other, it was a miracle that Dylan had found a way to ingratiate himself into their partnership, making the duo a trio. They had let him, mostly because they were flattered that he liked them so much, but also because he didn't get in the way. He seemed to enjoy their stories, their inside jokes, and never seemed to want more than what they could give him.

"If we could only talk to him," Schuyler said.

"If we could only explain to the police," Oliver added. "Explain what?" Bliss asked huffily. "That he couldn't have killed her because she was a vampire and nothing can kill vampires, except for, oh, some weird thing we don't know about yet, but by the way, Dylan's human so... well, when you look at it that way, who's ever going to believe us?" Bliss asked.

"Nobody," Schuyler concluded.

They stood in front of Dylan's former apartment building, stymied and frustrated.


Since there was nothing they could do for Dylan right then, Oliver suggested visiting the Repository in the basement of The Bank again. On the way, he and Schuyler filled Bliss in on what they knew. They had to keep trying. So far, none of their leads had led to anything, especially since they didn't even know how to spell Croatan.

"What about looking up Plymouth instead?" Oliver suddenly asked. "Sky, you said Jack Force mentioned it was part of his memory that was blocked out. Something about the Plymouth Colony."

The Repository was emptier than usual, and the three of them diligently set about their tasks. Schuyler found several history books documenting the colonization of Plymouth and the Mayflower passage, Bliss found an interesting record of every passenger on the Mayflower, and Oliver came up with a large, leather-bound book that contained civil documents. But nothing included any mention of Croatan. "Looking for cheese again?" Renfield asked, gliding past their table.

"Cheese?" Bliss asked, confused, while Oliver and Schuyler chuckled.

"We'll tell you later," Schuyler promised.

A little while later, Bliss and Schuyler remembered they had an appointment with the Stitched for Civilization crew to go over their photographs, so they left Oliver for the rest of the afternoon. The new advertisement was going to be rolled out on a billboard in Times Square the next week, and Jonas wanted to show them the final image they'd chosen.

During the meeting, Schuyler's cell phone rang. "It's Oliver," she told Bliss. "I should get it." She excused herself from the table. "What's up?" she asked.

"Come back, I think I've found something," he said, the excitement palpable in his voice.

When they returned to the Repository, Oliver showed them what he'd found. It was a slim, leather-bound book. "It was hidden so far back in the stacks I almost missed it. It's a diary, by a woman who was one of the original settlers in Plymouth. See what she says..."

They read the pages, documenting the journey across the sea, the foundation of the colony, her husband's trip to Roanoke, and the final, frantic entry. The writing was almost incomprehensible, as if the writer had been almost too frightened to write the words on the page.