Page 140 of Blood and Chocolate

Astrid made the full change as they hit the dirt, and she writhed and bucked as she tried to toss Vivian off. Vivian couldn't breathe with Astrid's fur in her nose, but she wouldn't let go. Astrid's back claws scrabbled at Vivian's belly, but Vivian flipped the red wolf onto her side and bore her down. The taste of blood exploded in Vivian's mouth. Frighten me, would you, bitch? she raved inside. Make me think I'm out of control? I'll show you out of control. She realized the rumbling in her head was the sound of her own growling rage.

Then suddenly she was shaken like a rag and discovered herself in the air. The shock half changed her back to human form.

"The Law is mine to mete out," thundered Gabriel. "But good work," he whispered, setting her on her feet.

"Where the hell were you?" she rasped.

"Removing a carpet from your front porch," he answered.

Astrid's tricks again, she thought, and saw the culprit, now also in semi-human form, restrained by Rudy and Tomas, while she coughed and struggled weakly. Rafe lay in a still heap on the ground. He was in his skin, so probably dead. Great Moon, the kid can shoot after all, she thought and shuddered. Her eyes searched out Aiden.

Aiden looked around wildly as, one by one, others of the pack made themselves known and formed a semicircle on the riverbank. Some were in skin and some were in fur, others were in between; eyes blazed red, golden, and green in the light of the sinking moon. Vivian saw Esmé. Orlando Griffin and Persia Devereux were there.

"You have condemned yourself with your own words," said Gabriel to Astrid as he approached her. "You killed humans for the joy of it. You deliberately endangered the pack and tormented one of your own." He stood in front of her now. "You will always be a danger to us. We have no prisons, we have no jailors. This is the only sentence."

He swiftly reached out with both hands and snapped Astrid's neck. She fell to the ground and kicked a few times, they lay still.

As Gabriel turned from the corpse Vivian saw pain in his eyes, not pleasure, and she understood the burden he took on as leader. But his lips tightened and determination veiled his sorrow. "This is the Law," he cried.

"This is the Law," came the shout from all. Those in fur set up a howl. The others joined in. Ulf was crying into his fists, and Willem and Finn on four legs nudged in close to comfort him.

Gabriel called for silence. A full howling wasn't wise in this place.

Aiden! Vivian realized she had forgotten him. He crouched on the ground, retching. "It's okay now," she told him gently. "You can go."

Gabriel came closer, offering his hand. Aiden flinched and raised his arm. He still held the gun.

"No!" Vivian cried. "He's letting you go." She stepped in front of Gabriel as the shot exploded. A force in her chest knocked her backward. A dark shape flew past her. There were millions of stars in the sky. Somewhere far off Esmé screamed.

"Stay back. I have him," Gabriel ordered.

She felt hands upon her, but she couldn't see. She smelled Esmé's Paris perfume, and the powdery scent of old woman was everywhere. Aunt Persia ordered Bucky to run for her bag.

"Look at what you've done," said Gabriel, and her vision cleared as if her eyes craved the sight of him. She saw Aiden over her, Gabriel gripping his arms. Tears ran down Aiden's face.

"You have shot the only one here who cares about you," Gabriel said, and his fangs had grown.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Aiden whispered. "I didn't mean to hit you. I thought I could kill you when I came here, but when I saw you I knew I couldn't. Now I've done it anyway."

"No one's dead yet, boy," snapped Aunt Persia.

It took all the energy Vivian had to speak. "Let him go," she said.

A flicker of tenderness crossed Gabriel's face. "For you," he answered. "Boy," he said harshly. "There are more of us than you will ever know. If you breathe a word of this, it will get back to me. There is nowhere you will be safe."

Aiden looked around the assembled pack, his eyes stricken and huge. He nodded, unable to talk. His world had changed. Now shadows would always take on threatening shapes. What had she done? Oh, poor, poor boy. She was indeed a monster. She had made him unsafe forever.

"Make a path," Gabriel ordered. He released Aiden's arms.

Aiden took a step, then paused. "Please," he said in a small voice. "Let me know how she is."

"If she dies you will know," Gabriel growled.

Aiden took off running.

"Vivian, my darling," said Aunt Persia. "It would help me if you took on one form or the other."

Vivian gathered that inner force she couldn't name and tried the secret squeeze. Wolf, she thought, naming her animal shape with its imperfect name, but nausea ripped through her. The thought of her fur form disgusted her. Human then. She tried again, but nothing happened. She tried again and again and again.