Page 98 of Blood and Chocolate

Then, as she was trying to force some cereal down, a siren wailed through the streets close by then another, and another. She pushed her bowl away and reached the door in time to see an ambulance tear by, followed by a motorcycle cop. She took off after them.

The midday heat seared her lungs as she ran, and the world was a white blast of sun. She could hear a dying siren up ahead and crackling radios. She turned right at Dobb's grocery to find Tooley's bar, on the corner of the next block, surrounded by a thousand flashing lights.  It looked as if every cop from the surrounding three townships was there. Two fire engines rumbled like dragons waiting for lunch, and there was a rescue squad truck idling alongside the ambulance. A crowd was gathering.

She stumbled along the cracked, mossy sidewalk, gasping for air. Her hand trailed along the brick of the barbershop as if its roughness could summon reality as well as balance. When she reached the cross street, one of the fire engines let out a squeal and she flinched. It belched once, then pulled away. She saw that the remaining activity seemed to be centered around the back door of the bar, which opened onto a small yard containing a Dumpster.

As she reached the upholsterer's directly opposite the yard, a policewoman strung a plastic yellow streamer across the entrance. Sweet Moon, Vivian thought. Is this my doing? She turned away and pressed her forehead to the filthy shop window.

Behind her came a clatter of boot heels and a jingling of chains. She whirled to face the noise and saw the Five. The twins and Gregory almost danced, they were so full of electric excitement.

"Hell, Vivian. You look like shit," said Finn.

She flipped him off.

"Ooooh, she's sooo tough," Gregory responded.

Willem shoved him. "Leave her alone."

"Better not let Gabe know you're still sweet on her," Gregory told him.

"Yeah. He'll kick your ass," Finn said.

Willem spat at his twin. Finn dodged the wad.

Rafe hadn't spoken a word. He just stared at her with a look of smug amusement on his face. Ulf stood beside him fidgeting.

"What's happened here?" Vivian asked gruffly.

Ulf finally spoke. "They found a body behind the Dumpster." His voice was squeaky. "Some guy."

Vivian felt a cold lump in her gut.

"We didn't get to see it," Willem told her. "But there's a lot of blood."

"A goddamn river of it down to the drain," Gregory added with relish. "I heard some cop muttering about wild animals." He cackled with delight.

Across the street an ambulance took off quietly. One of the police cars followed. Lucien Dafoe came around the corner. That didn't surprise Vivian; Lucien was Tooley's best customer. He leaned against the door-jamb of the bar entrance and grinned at all the activity. He should have the sense to look shocked even if he didn't care.

Vivian realized then that Rafe had asked her a question. "What?"

Rafe folded his arms and cocked his head. "I said, did you see anything, Viv?"


"Down here. Last night. I saw you in your wolf-skin under the bridge. You were heading this way.">"You wanted magic, didn't you?" she asked, not expecting a reply. She was compelled, as if a full moon hung in the sky. "You wanted something special to happen, but you never thought it would. Well, I can show you what you've never seen before. Something beautiful, and wild, and beyond imagining."

His eyes half closed and his lips parted expectantly.

Vivian laughed. "No, silly. I want to show you what I can turn into." Excitement took over now that there was no turning back.

She kicked off her shoes, then took hold of her hem and lifted it, wriggling a little to bring the dress over her Head. She tossed her dress aside and stood in only her panties.

Aiden let out a short breath more sigh than moan.

She slid her panties to her knees and let them slither down her calves. She stepped out of them and the blush of the change crept like an itching rash across her chest. Sweat trickled down her sides despite the chill air.

Aiden held his arms out to her. His breath grew harsh; his eyes burned with fever. She wanted to give in to his desire; that would be so much simpler than explanations; but her body had other plans. "Not yet," she said, and twitched. "When I change back. First I will show you my secret."

He frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but she hushed him.