Page 83 of Blood and Chocolate

"The nerve," Esmé said after he left to talk to Orlando about helping referee, but she wriggled with pleasure.

Orlando raised his arms and the last whispers died away. "I will recite the Law," he said.

"When a leader dies by the teeth of a wolf, then the challenger leads the pack. When a leader dies by the teeth of fate then Ordeal is called, for only the swift and strong may lead. All willing adults may stand and fight, and fight they will while they stand. But when the first drop of his blood is shed, a fighter must stand aside. The final pair may fight to the death if neither will yield till he's died. So speaks the Law.

"Brothers, pay your respects to the Moon."

The  males  began  to  separate  from  the  crowd, shrugging off shirts, undoing flies, but their migration was halted by another voice.

"And sisters," Astrid said. She marched up to Orlando, and Vivian was outraged and delighted at the same time.

"You are mistaken," Orlando said politely.

"I am not mistaken," she insisted. "Recite the Law again, old man. All willing adults may stand and fight. Where does it say females are excluded?"

"It is tradition," Orlando growled, and the power of his youth burned in his eyes. "No female will fight. This isn't a game, Astrid. First blood can also be life's blood, especially when your opponent is twice your size."

Astrid puffed herself up indignantly, preparing to spit out her next argument, but Vivian never found out what it was because Gabriel spoke.

"Let her."

"What? " Vivian gasped, in concert with the murmur of astonishment that rose all around.

Orlando's jaw dropped in surprise, and a smirk of triumph made Astrid's face look evil.

"She's right," Gabriel explained. "The word of the Law does not eliminate females, though tradition has for good reason. But the bold Miss Astrid is welcome to a practical demonstration why."

Vivian could see the fight on Astrid's face between pride in being named bold and anger at Gabriel's dismissal. "She doesn't stand a chance of winning," Vivian said to her mother quietly. "Why's she doing this?"

"I bet I can guess," whispered Esmé. "She thinks if she can knock out some males, she'll already have a lead, over us. That it'll be a much more impressive show of strength than beating up some weak little bitches."

Gabriel gazed steadily at Orlando, waiting for his decision.

Orlando finally spoke. "Does anyone object?"

People looked at each other, but no one answered.

Orlando shook his head as if with regret. "So be it," he said.

There was a disturbance on the other side of the circle from Vivian. Rafe pushed through, the rest of the Five behind him. "What about us then?"

Orlando's expression grew thunderous. "Will you dispute the word adult now?" he asked.

"Yeah," Rafe answered, sticking his thumbs in his belt.

Ulf's eyes flickered around the circle nervously; the other boys glared defiance.

"Having a hard-on doesn't make you an adult, boy," Gabriel said, and some of the grown males laughed.

Orlando waved them quiet. "The Law is specific in this matter, Rafael. Bone and flesh, flesh and bone, a man takes time to grow them. Two-five-two number the moons that it takes for a man to know them. Till then he is not the match of a man, and a man is not bound to match him."

"That's twenty-one years for you slow students," Bucky pointed out. Finn gave him the finger.

"How do I know you didn't make that up?" Rafe said to Orlando.

A collective growl went up around the circle. Ulf cringed.

"The voice of the Law never lies," someone shouted.