Page 123 of Blood and Chocolate

"They want to ask me some questions, Mom," Vivian said. Her voice was high-pitched like a child's.

"About what?"

"Perhaps we could sit down," said the male officer.

Esmé led them into the living room.

Did Aden tell them about me? Vivian tried to swallow. Or did I leave a trail? But if they had followed a trail, how would they know her name?

The police officers took the chairs on either side of the fireplace. Vivian sat on the edge of the couch next to Esmé. She had to force her foot down firmly into the carpet to make her left leg stop trembling.

"Do you know a girl called Kelly Desmond?" the female officer asked.

Vivian's mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Do you, hon?" Esmé prompted when Vivian didn't respond.

"Uh, yes?" Vivian answered, trying to look innocent and puzzled, sure she was failing miserably.

"Were you aware there was a break-in at her house last night?" the woman continued.

"How would I be?" Vivian asked, gaining confidence. This was crazy; there were cops in her living room quizzing her about a break-in she'd committed, but she felt like laughing with relief.

"You're not close then?" the male cop said.

"Hell, no."

"We think that whoever broke into the house had a grudge against Ms. Desmond," said the man.

Then I just gave the wrong answer, Vivian thought. "Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Because her room was vandalized and the rest of the house left untouched," the female officer said.

"Vandalized? How?"

"We're not free to say right now," the woman answered.

Vivian remembered what Tomas had said earlier about the police not revealing details that only the criminal would know. She had to be careful.

"Why do you want to talk to my daughter about this?" demanded Esmé.

"We understand that you might have a reason to be angry at Ms. Desmond," the male officer said to Vivian. "According to Ms. Desmond, you might be jealous because she's going out with your ex-boyfriend."

Sweet Moon, Vivian thought. I'm not out of trouble yet. She drew herself up to make a show of indignation. "And she thinks I'd break into her house and trash her room over that?"

"It seems likely to her, yes," answered the man.

"And what about the other girls she's pissed off?" Vivian asked. She could feel the sweat soaking her armpits. "Kelly's not exactly known for her pleasant disposition. Ask anyone."

"Nevertheless," said the policewoman, "we have to ask where you were last night between the hours of midnight and six A.M."

"She was with me."

Vivian's gaze jerked in surprise to the living room door. Gabriel stood there, his hands in his jeans pockets.

Esmé started to speak, but Gabriel cut her off. "I'm sorry, Esmé. We meant to tell you about us at a more convenient time. We spent the night at my apartment."

Esmé rose to the occasion. "Gabriel! I trusted you."