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Ruthie’s Smoothies and Other Frozen Goodies deserved its fame as the best frozen concoction establishment within fifty miles of downtown Beaulac. Even at well after sundown, half a dozen cars occupied the parking spaces in front of its rainbow-colored storefront. It was the place for the teen crowd to hang out and be seen, however, Ruthie maintained a zero-tolerance policy for any of the typical high-schooler shenanigans that might put off adult customers. More than once I’d watched her kick a patron out for disruptive behavior or poor manners. Adults were subject to the sa

me standards of behavior, and rumor had it that a long-time city councilman was counting the days until the end of his one year banishment for an unknown offense.

Steeev parked well away from other cars, but when he climbed out Jill stayed put except to undo her seatbelt. I sent a questioning glance her way as I opened my door. “You change your mind about ice cream?”

“As if! No, I’m not allowed to get out until he’s made sure it’s safe.” She seemed more bemused than annoyed. “He glowers, and boy does he ever have a stubborn streak. I swear to god. You should see it.”

“I believe you,” I said with a grin. “Syraza-stubborn. It’s how we ended up with Fuzzykins. I’ll see if I can hurry him along.”

Steeev was already on the other side of the parking lot when I headed his way. He stood motionless, attention riveted on a man leaning against a car not twenty feet from him. Yet Steeev didn’t appear to be in potential-threat mode. It seemed instead to be a wary curiosity, like a dog encountering a raccoon for the first time.

Steeev’s reaction made far more sense as I moved closer and recognized the man. Arms folded casually across his chest, Marco Knight regarded Steeev with mild amusement coupled with nonchalance.

“Hey, Marco,” I said with a smile. “He’s cool, Steeev. I’ll meet you and Jill inside in a few.”

Steeev relaxed, apparently satisfied with my assessment, and turned away to retrieve Jill.

Marco gave me a smile. “Hey, Kara. Nice night.”

“And only going to get nicer once I get chocolate and lots of calories in my tummy,” I replied. “You here for ice cream?”

“No, I think I’m here because of you,” he said. Apparently, whatever sixth sense he possessed had drawn him to be here, and it was up to him to figure out the meaning behind it.

“From anyone else that’d be creepy as hell,” I said with a small laugh. “From you it’s only the ordinary amount of creepy.”

He let out a dry chuckle. “I’m not sure how I should take that.”

“Best not to analyze it too much,” I said. “Can I buy you an ice cream?”

His eyes went to the door, and a faint wince crossed his face. “I’m not allowed inside at the moment.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t going to ask why. Most likely an incident related to his talent. “I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to bring it out for you.” At least I hoped so. Either way, I was willing to risk Ruthie’s wrath for Knight’s sake. “What would you like?”

He inclined his head in thanks. “One scoop of Razzy Snazzy Very Berry in a cup, if you don’t mind.”

“I’m on it.” I headed inside to see Jill and Steeev at a table against the far wall and already digging into their ice cream. I gave them an “everything’s okay” thumbs up then went to the counter to order Marco’s ice cream and a scoop of Double Trouble Fudgy Rubble for myself.

Ruthie took the order with her usual pizazz and cheery banter. Thirty-something, she exuded a freedom of spirit with her spiky blond hair and full sleeve tattoos of vibrant exotic flowers. She flicked a glance out the front windows toward where Marco leaned against his car. Considering Marco’s exile, I expected her to show anger or unease at the sight of him. But to my surprise her expression softened into a look of regret and sympathy, and she let out an almost soundless sigh. A heartbeat later she recovered and schooled her features to her normal perky-yet-tough persona. With practiced efficiency she scooped up both orders and handed the cups over with a bright “Enjoy!”

My curiosity rose at her reaction to Knight, but I tamped it down. Whatever the story was, I doubted it pertained to me, which meant any nosiness on my part would be tough to justify. I returned outside and handed Marco his cup, leaned against his car beside him, and for the next few minutes we ate ice cream in silence.

“I need to ask you a question,” I said after my spoon scraped the bottom of the cup. “And if I’m intruding on a subject that’s none of my business that’s totally cool. I’ll back off.”

Marco licked red and white swirls from his spoon. “You know better than I do why I’m here.”

I wasn’t so sure of that but was willing to run with it for now, especially since it justified this particular nosiness. “Why did you need to see Pellini the other day?”

“Urgent wild goose chase. Happens now and then.”

“What do you mean?”

He ate another spoonful of ice cream before answering. “I connected him to a place. We got there, and there was nothing.” He shrugged. “I mean nothing of interest.”

“What was the place?”

Knight swept his arm in a broad gesture that included the line of shops and parking lot. “Right here. This area. Connecting you to it now.” He frowned. “You weren’t before.”