To my surprise she gave his shoulder a light squeeze of affection then left the room. Ordered to, or requested? New hatred for him unfolded within me, like a fresh petal on a great big ugly hate-flower.

“I don’t care how old you are, or who you have as allies, or how powerful you think you are,” I said, not bothering to try and keep my voice steady or calm or any shit like that. “If you hurt her in any way, I will hunt you to the ends of the universe and make you suffer.” I smiled thinly. “And I know a thing or two about suffering.”

Porcelain clinked against polished granite as Katashi set his cup down. “She is safer with me than if she remains here.”

“From what?” I shot back. “Certainly not you.”

“From all else.”

There was plenty else out there, I knew all too well. He probably harbored a certain amount of affection for Tessa and intended to protect her from the more dangerous elements in play. But right now Tessa was hostage and pawn, even if she refused to admit it.

“Don’t underestimate me,” I warned him.

Katashi met my eyes. “I never have.”

A chill walked up my back. Thirty years was a long time to build up loyalty. And obedience. Had it been her idea to call me over here or his? What better way to lead me into a trap. Sweat pricked beneath my arms, and my pulse quickened. More of his people might be in the house or on the way at this moment.

I shot Katashi a glare full of pure venom then strode out of the kitchen and toward the door. Tessa stepped out of the sitting room and gave me a questioning look.

“You can’t leave s

o soon,” she said. “I haven’t given you the turquoise and fudge!”

“Forgot an appointment,” I blurted then pulled her into an embrace. “I love you. Please stay safe.”

“No other way to be,” she replied, tone bright as she returned the hug. “I love you too, sweetling. You keep yourself safe as well, okay?”

Nodding, I released her then hurried past and out the door. My aunt remained behind—a loyal associate and friend of one of my greatest enemies.

Chapter 10

The instant I made it into my car I hit the speed dial on my phone for Bryce, then backed out of the driveway as it rang. The sheer number of emotions tumbling through me could have filled the Superdome, but the two front runners were confusion and disbelief with anger a close third.

“Taggart here.”

“Put it on speaker.” Stress clipped my words. “Idris needs to hear this.”

“Done. Go ahead.”

I kept an eye on Tessa’s house in my rearview mirror as I drove down the street. “Tessa texted me to come over because she was back in town, and when I got there Katashi was drinking a fucking cup of tea in her kitchen. He’s there now.”

Idris let out an explosive curse. “We’re over half an hour away. Out by the parish line. Can you stick close and stake it out?”

“Already on it.” I whipped a U-turn less than a block away and tucked my car behind a parked minivan where I had a good line of sight on the house. And none too soon. Tessa and Katashi stepped out as a bullet-grey sedan glided into the driveway. “Shit. Shit. Shit. A car just pulled up. They’re leaving.” A man I didn’t recognize jumped out of the driver’s seat and hurried to open the back door for them.

“You have to follow!” Idris shouted.

“Only if you think it’s safe,” Bryce cautioned. “For you and for your aunt.”

“I’m pretty sure my aunt’s in no danger,” I said bitterly. Or was she? Katashi wouldn’t let affection stop him from using her as a hostage if he felt the need. I seethed, watching helplessly as she and Katashi settled into the back of the sedan. The driver hopped in then pulled out and headed away from where I was parked.

“All right, I’m following,” I said. “Eilahn’s behind me. The driver must’ve been waiting right around the corner.” I gritted my teeth as I navigated the construction zone and barely avoided losing them in the crush.

“Be careful,” Bryce said. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to stay out of sight, but stay out of sight.”

“Yeah, thanks for the advice.” The instant the words left my mouth one of the cars between mine and the grey sedan changed lanes, forcing me to drop back and do the same or risk ending up too close. “Looks like they’re heading out of town. With any luck I can tail them long enough to narrow down where Katashi is based.”

“We’re on our way back to Beaulac,” Bryce said. “If they try to force a confrontation, get the hell out of there. Got it?”