Carl: (mid 40s) Morgue tech. Quiet and unflappable with an unspeakably dry sense of humor. Tessa’s boyfriend. Immune to the arcane for reasons unknown.

James Macklin Farouche: (deceased late 50s) Businessman, philanthropist, and vigilante-gone-wrong. Became obsessed with finding missing children and punishing those responsible after his five-year-old daughter was abducted nearly twenty years ago. Involved with Rhyzkahl and human trafficking. Arcane talent of influencing people. Executed by Bryce Thatcher.

Jerry Steiner: (late 30s) Hitman who enjoys his work. Very nondescript appearance. Easily blends in. Rapist and sociopath. Was one of the men who participated in the rape, torture, and murder of Amber Palatino Gavin.

Jill Faciane: (late 20s) Red hair, blue eyes, petite, athletic. Kara’s best friend. Crime scene tech. Smart and sarcastic. Pregnant with Zack’s child (“the bean”). Former gymnast who’d been favored to make the Olympic team before a bad fall.

Leo Carter: (mid 50s) Black. Close-cropped hair. Farouche’s head of security. Trained sniper—preferred weapon a Bergara tactical rifle with a Schmidt and Bender scope.

Michael Moran: (early 20s) Brain damaged in an accident. Brilliant pianist. Has the ability to form golems out of dirt. Taken to the demon realm by Rhyzkahl and given to Amkir. Paid for in blood and pain by Seretis, and lives in the realm of Seretis and Rayst. Can sometimes clairvoyantly see the lords’ locations.

Michelle Cleland: (24) Physics major turned drug addict and prostitute on Earth. Taken to the demon realm by Rhyzkahl after the Symbol Man ritual. Empath. Flourished with Vahl as she came to understand her gift. Willing courtesan of the qaztahl. Beloved of Elofir.

Paul Ortiz: (22) Computer genius. Former captive employee of J.M. Farouche. Uses potency flows in tandem with computer networks to find information and accomplish hacker tasks. Beaten nearly to death by his cop dad because of his sexual orientation. Hispanic. Like a brother to Bryce. Critically injured by Mzatal. Currently resides in the demon realm.

Humans Who Do Not Know Kara Is a Summoner

Chief Robert Turnham: (50s) Beaulac PD. Tall, slender, black man. Meticulous, quiet, efficient. 25 years law enforcement experience.

Sergeant Cory Crawford: (early 40s) Dyed brown hair and mustache, brown eyes, stout. Chooses drab brown clothing and wild-colored ties. Good leader. Knows Kara is involved in paranormal activities but prefers not knowing details.

Sergeant Scott Glassman: (late 30s) Patrol training officer. Acts like a hick, but savvy. Stout, bald, ruddy complexion.

Detective Vincent Pellini: (early 40s) Often antagonistic toward Kara. Greasy black hair, mustache, overweight. Boudreaux’s work partner.

Detective Marcel Boudreaux: (early 30s) Often antagonistic toward Kara. Small and wiry. Chain smoker. Pellini’s work partner.

Detective Marco Knight: (mid 30s) NOPD. Clairvoyant or similarly gifted. Loner. Chain smoker.

Officer Tim Daniels: (mid 20s) Open, friendly, and helpful. Found a stray cat that Eilahn adopted as Fuzzykins.

Dr. Jonathan Lanza (Doc): (mid 40s) St. Long Parish pathologist. Easy-going manner.

Catherine McDunn: (early 50s) Head trainer for Farouche’s thoroughbreds. Wife of Angus McDunn and mother of Detective Marcel Boudreaux.

Lenny Brewster: (late 60s) Hale, sharp-minded, and soft-spoken. Lanky black man. Barn manager for Farouche’s thoroughbred farm.

The Rest of the World: Blissfully oblivious to Kara’s dabblings in the arcane.

Demon Types—Summonable

Demons named in the books are in italics.

Faas (faahz) 6th Level. Resembles a six-legged furry lizard with a body approximately three feet long and a sinuous tail at least twice that length. Bright blue jewel-colored iridescent fur, brilliant golden eyes slitted like a reptile’s. Jekki, Faruk, Zhergalet, Rega.

Graa (grah-ah) 8th Level. Spider-like with wings like roaches and heads like crabs. Can have anywhere from four to eight multi-jointed legs that end in strange hands that consist of a thumb and two fingers, each tipped with curved claws.

Ilius (ILL-ee-us) 3rd Level. A coil of smoke and teeth and shifting colors. Feeds on animal essence. Tata, Wuki, Dakdak, Krum.

Kehza (KAY-za) 7th Level. Human-sized, winged, face like a Chinese dragon, skin of iridescent red and purple, and plenty of sharp teeth and claws. Can tell if a human has the ability to be a summoner. Juke.

Luhrek (LURE-eck) 4th Level. Resembling a cross between a goat and a dog with the hindquarters of a lion. Often a good source for unusual or esoteric information. Rhysel.

Mehnta (MEN-tah) 9th Level. Appearing like a human female with long flowing hair, segmented wings like a beetles, clawed hands and feet, and dozens of snake-like strands coming out of their mouths. Lazul.

Nyssor (NIGH-sore) 5th Level. Looks almost exactly like a human child, often beautiful with angelic faces. Features a little too perfect, and eyes a little too large and having sideways-slit pupils. Hundreds of sharp teeth. Many humans find them creepy as fuck. Votevha.

Reyza (RAY-za) 12th Level. Three meters tall, leathery wings, long sinuous tail, skin the color of burnished copper, horns, clawed hands, bestial face, and curved fangs. Kehlirik, Gestamar, Juntihr, Pyrenth, Safar, Sehkeril.