Elofir (EL-oh-fear) Ptarl: Greeyer. Short sandy-blond hair. Slim, athletic build. Friendly, gentle, deeply caring. Enjoys the quiet of his wooded realm. Lover to Michelle Cleland. Pacifist by nature but will totally fuck up anyone who messes with her.

Jesral (JEZ-rahl) One of the Mraztur. Slim, brown hair, keen gaze, impeccably styled and graceful. Smiling, outwardly friendly. In reality a backstabbing slimy bastard. Seriously, this guy is a dick. Cold and calculating. Hates that he doesn’t have an essence blade of his very own. I mean, it totally sticks in his craw that he’s not one of the “elite three” who got blades.

Kadir (kuh-DEER) Ptarl: Helori, estranged. One of the Mraztur. Slender, blond, androgynous. Cold, psychopathic, chaotic, vicious. Utterly brilliant. Lives slightly “out of phase” with the rest of the demon realm. Nicknamed “Creepshow” by Kara. Associated demon: Sehkeril (reyza)

Mzatal (muh-ZAH-tull) Ptarl: Ilana. Essence Blade: Khatur. Tall and elegant, keen silver-grey eyes, Asian features, very long jet black hair worn in a braid. Powerful and focused. Creator of the essence blades. Has a bond with Kara. Associated demons: Gestamar, Safar, Juntihr (reyza). Jekki, Faruk (faas). Dakdak, Tata, Krum, Wuki (ilius). Lazul (mehnta). Juke (kehza). Anak (zrila). Steeev (syraza)

Rayst (rayst) Partner of Seretis. Swarthy. Stocky build, but moves with grace. Kind and friendly, but not a pushover. Pays attention to the dynamics between others.

Rhyzkahl (REEZ-call) Ptarl: None (formerly Zakaar/Zack). One of the Mraztur. Essence Blade: Xhan (last known to be in the possession of Jesral). Long white-blond hair, ice-blue eyes, tall, muscled, utterly beautiful. Seductive and charming. Betrayed and tortured the hell out of Kara. Associated demons: Eilahn, Olihr (syraza). Pyrenth (deceased, reyza). Kehlirik (reyza). Rega (faas).

Seretis (SAIR-uh-tis) Ptarl: Lannist. Partner of Rayst. Chiseled cheekbones, and shoulder length dark, wavy hair. Looks like a Spanish soap opera star. Bisexual. Loves being around humans, and has gone to extreme lengths to protect humans in the demon realm from other lords.

Szerain (szair-RAIN) Ptarl: Xharbek (in hiding/presumed dead by most). Essence Blade: Vsuhl. Utterly brilliant artist. Smart and inquisitive and very patient when his plans call for it. Is called a kiraknikahl—oathbreaker. Diminished and exiled to Earth as Ryan Kristoff. Associated demon: Turek (savik)

Vahl (pronounced like the first syllable of volume) Tall, black, just the right amount of muscle, and oh-so-sexy. Seriously, the dude is yummy. Too bad he tends to make rash decisions that cause him to be indebted to the other lords. He’s like that dude in college who was probably a decent guy but got so caught up in wearing the right clothes and driving the right car and living in the right neighborhood that he maxed out all his credit cards, and when the economy took a dip, and he got laid off, everything got repossessed, and he had to declare bankruptcy. But, still, not a bad guy and fun to hang out with, and when he had money he’d totally buy a round for everyone.

Vrizaar (vree-ZAR) Dark-skinned, bald, with a goatee and no mustache. Dresses like a biblical king, with gold and jewels that are awesome and just shy of gaudy. As cautious and prudent as Vahl isn’t when it comes to dealings with the other lords, but not so staid that he doesn’t enjoy the thrill of adventure. Loves to sail.

Summoners Known to Kara

Aaron Asher: (30s) Katashi’s student and associate. Former student of Rasha Hassan Jalal Al-Khouri. Associated with J.M. Farouche and the Mraztur.

Anton Beck: (40s) Katashi’s student and associate. Recruited Idris for Katashi.

Cherie and Keveen Bergeron: (deceased) Grandparents of Raymond Bergeron A.K.A. Tracy Gordon. Killed by Rhyzkahl in the Bloodbath Summoning.

Frank McCreary: (deceased) Killed by Rhyzkahl in the Bloodbath Summoning.

Gina Hallsworth: (30s) Katashi’s student and associate.

Graciella “Gracie” Therese Pazhel: Tessa’s mother. Kara’s maternal grandmother. Sworn summoner of Szerain. Killed by Rhyzkahl in the Boodbath Summoning.

Idris Palatino: (20) Student of Katashi and Mzatal. Kara’s cousin. Son of Tessa and Rhyzkahl. Gifted summoner. Adopted as a baby, and then again as a young teen after his first adoptive parents were killed. Innocence stripped by the Mraztur. Forced to watch his sister raped and ritually tortured and killed.

Isumo Katashi: (100+) Master summoner. Tessa’s mentor. Conducted the very first summoning after the arcane ways reopened post-cataclysm. Was once a sworn summoner of Mzatal but betrayed him. Associated with the Mraztur. Every living summoner has been trained by him or one of his students.

Peter Cerise/Chief Eddie Morse: (deceased in his 60s) Organized the summoning of Szerain three decades ago that ended in a bloodbath with his wife and five other summoners slain by Rhyzkahl. Sworn summoner of Szerain. Became the serial killer known as the Symbol Man. Killed by Rhyzkahl when he attempted to summon and bind the lord.

Rasha Hassan Jalal Al-Khouri: (80s) Katashi’s student. Retired. Associated with J.M. Farouche. Antagonistic relationship with Aaron Asher.

Robert Lamothe: (deceased) Killed by Rhyzkahl in the Bloodbath Summoning.

Tessa Pazhel: (late 40s) Kara’s aunt and mentor. Student of Katashi. Frizzy blond hair and eclectic fashion sense. Raised Kara from age eleven.

Tracy Gordon/Raymond Bergeron: (deceased in his late 20s) Grandson of two of the summoners killed by Rhyzkahl in the Bloodbath Summoning of Szerain.

Tsuneo Oshiro: (late 20s) Student of Katashi. Bears a tattoo of Jesral’s sigil. Associated with the Mraztur.

William Slavin: (50s) Katashi’s student and associate.


; Humans Who Know Kara Is a Summoner

Angus McDunn: (mid 50s) Broad-shouldered, big and stocky. Red and grey hair. Was J.M. Farouche’s right hand man. Husband of Catherine McDunn and stepfather to Detective Marcel Boudreaux. Lost a young son over twenty years ago to abduction and murder.

Bryce Thatcher: (40ish) Ex-hitman. Was a veterinary student when he accidentally shot and killed his roommate, Pete Nelson. Recruited by J.M. Farouche shortly thereafter. Paul Ortiz’s bodyguard. Part of Kara’s posse.