My gaze traveled over the roiling potencies on the door. “Then who did?”

The reyza rumbled softly deep in his chest before speaking. “She summoned another to do so. This looks like Zhergalet’s work. He is merely a faas, but his skill with wards is unique and admired.”

“Oh, so my aunt subcontracted her alarm system,” I said with a relieved laugh. Kehlirik turned his head and blinked at me. “Sorry. I thought she’d done all of this work herself, and I was feeling pretty inadequate since I couldn’t even dream of doing anything this intricate. But now that I know she summoned someone to do it for her, I don’t feel so bad.”

Kehlirik looked back at the door, then stood, shifting his wings on his back and folding his arms across his chest. “It is an impressive piece of work. There is an underlayer of protections here that seems to be fairly standard. It would prevent the average human from entering and would prevent most from even recognizing that the door exists. Aversions,” he gestured with a clawed hand to a coil of purple energy, “to make one reluctant to be here.” But then he shook his head. “But those have been in place for years. Zhergalet placed deep protections on this door recently—perhaps three turnings of this world’s moon.”

Something my aunt had been working on three months ago? Then I went still. That was about the time that the Symbol Man murders had started again. Right about the time that I first encountered Rhyzkahl. Could that be why she wanted to close her library off? To keep me out? Or to keep out Rhyzkahl? Surely she trusted me more than that. I felt hollow but also incredibly confused. The wards in place were extreme and deadly. Why the fuck had she become so protective of this room three months ago?

I scrubbed at my face, disturbed on innumerable levels. “All right, can you get in?”

He was silent for several heartbeats, then gave a grave nod. “It will not be swift. It will take me until tomorrow night.” Then his gaze locked on mine, and his lips curled back from his wickedly sharp teeth. “Usually I would request renegotiation of terms or demand an admission of debt, but as you are the favored one of Rhyzkahl, I will grant this service as my gift to you.”

I quickly controlled the shocked expression that was surely on my face and produced a weak smile instead, thinking furiously. I didn’t know which lord Kehlirik served. I assumed he served one, since that was one of the best and easiest ways for demons to gain status—to serve a high-standing lord. And from what I knew of the demon realm, and from what my aunt had told me, Rhyzkahl was one of the highest of the lot.

But did Kehlirik serve Rhyzkahl, or was he trying to curry favor with him? Either way, I had no idea how risky it could be to accept such a gift. Few things were truly gifts among the demonkind. On the other hand, refusing a gift could definitely be construed as a major insult.

Shit. I needed that library available to me. I looked back at the reyza. “Honored Kehlirik, your gift is precious to me, and it will not be forgotten.” He inclined his head gravely as I controlled the urge to sigh. I had no idea if I’d just screwed up colossally by accepting it, but rejecting it seemed like a quick ticket to an insulted retaliation.

Whatever. I didn’t feel like worrying about it at that moment. I had plenty to worry about already. And normally I would have loved to stay and watch the demon work and perhaps learn some new techniques and skills, but, despite my earlier nap, fatigue dragged at me. Summonings of reyza were exhausting affairs. “Kehlirik, do you need me to stay here with you while you work?”

The demon shook his head, already beginning to tease layers of arcane energy apart. “No, summoner. But you will need to adjust the anchors holding me in this realm to permit me to stay through the day.”>I continued to slow. “Nope. State police have all blue lights. We have red and blue, as does the sheriff’s office. Shit.” I wiped my hands on my jeans. There was no reason for them to want to look in the back of the truck, but there was also no way to warn Kehlirik to remain quiet and still. This U-Haul didn’t have a window between the cab and the truck. I was just going to have to hope that Kehlirik would wait until I opened the back door to emerge. I didn’t want to think about what would happen if he came out in the middle of about a dozen state troopers.

A wicked grin crossed Ryan’s face. “I dare ya to sic the demon on them.”

I tried not to laugh, but I wasn’t very successful. “Stop that.”

“I double-dog-dare you. I’d love to see them scatter, screaming like little girls.”

“Shut up! I knew it was a mistake to bring you along,” I said, thwacking him on the arm. But the mental image was there, and I couldn’t help but snicker. “Okay, that would be pretty damn funny.” I glanced at him, matching his grin with one of my own and allowing myself to enjoy the brief moment of shared silliness. Then I forced my face into an overly serious expression. “Now, behave yourself,” I ordered, as I slowed to a crawl and joined the short queue of cars going through the checkpoint.

“Yes, ma’am!” he replied, drawing such a dour and stern face that I almost burst out laughing again.

“Why do I put up with you?” I asked in mock despair.

He sighed tragically. “You’re obviously madly in love with me.”

I let out a snort of amusement, even as a silly thrill ran through me. “And you’re obviously on drugs!”

Then we were at the roadblock and I had to school my expression into a less giddy one. I didn’t recognize the trooper who waved me to a stop, but I didn’t have much cause to deal with troopers either. The road we were on was a state highway, which made it the troop’s jurisdiction, though usually the only time anyone gave a crap about that was when there was an accident and we had to decide who would write the report.

“License, registration, proof of insurance,” he recited, tilting his head back to look up at me, which I could tell bugged the crap out of him. I’d worked plenty of checkpoints, and I knew that I liked to be able to see into the person’s car and smell their breath.

I gave him a friendly smile and handed him the rental paperwork, then pulled my license out of my wallet, positioning it to be sure that he caught sight of my badge. I expected him to say something about that, but he didn’t, which only made me more nervous. Not that I was a staunch believer in “badging” one’s way out of tickets or DWIs, but this was one time when it would be seriously nice to just be waved on through. I kept my ears trained on the back of the truck while the trooper looked over my paperwork. Ahead of the truck and to the right, I could see another trooper administering a field sobriety test to a dark-haired young man beside a yellow Mustang. My lips twitched as I watched the man stagger and nearly fall on his face during the walk-and-turn. Yeah, he’d be taking a ride in the back of a car real soon.

I returned my attention to the trooper as he lifted his eyes from the paperwork. He glanced over the truck, mouth drawing down in a slight frown. “Why are you driving a rental truck at midnight?”

I shrugged and smiled. “I worked late today, and this was the only chance I had to get over to my aunt’s house to clean some of the crap out of there.”

The frown stayed on his face. “Have you been drinking tonight?”

“No, I’ve been working a case.”

I heard the sound of claws on metal from within the truck, and it took every ounce of control I had to keep from reacting. I had a brief frisson of hope that it hadn’t been all that loud, that I was aware of it only because I’d been listening for a sound, but I wasn’t that lucky. The trooper’s gaze snapped toward the back, and his frown deepened. “What’s in the truck?”

I gave a sigh. “I think one of my boxes fell over. Look, I’m not trying to be a pain, but I don’t want to be up all night moving this stuff.”

His eyes narrowed. “Do you mind if I take a look?”