“What does—”

Sorsha cut me off with a brusque gesture and leveled her gaze at Dr. Nikas. “What connection does Dr. Charish have with the decapitation murders two years ago? The serial killings.”

Shiiiiiit! Kristi had coerced Ed Quinn into killing zombies and delivering their heads to her. If Sorsha was sniffing close to her about that particular fucked-up shitstorm, what else did she know? I was starting to regret that Pierce wasn’t here with his experience in talking his way out of sticky situations. This was flypaper, honey, and road tar all mixed up into one giant mess.

Dr. Nikas cleared his throat. “Connection? With the killings? I, er, wasn’t a suspect identified?”

“Yes, but that’s not what I asked.” Sorsha watched him, expression placid and intimidating at the same time. “How is Kristi Charish connected to the murders?”

This time I sent him some of my lie-through-your-teeth juju. I certainly had plenty to spare.

“I prefer not to answer that question.”

No one moved. Or breathed. The only sound was the hum of a printer and the tick-tick of the wall clock.

“Fair enough,” Sorsha finally said. “For now.”

I released my breath and tried to steady my voice. “Does Reno’s theft of my medical records somehow tie in to why you’re asking about Kristi and the serial killings?”

She swung her attention to me. “It’s funny how so many threads can weave into one big tapestry.”

I swallowed to work some moisture into my throat. “Sooooo have you figured out a link between Ed Quinn’s victims . . . and Kristi?”

Her eyes rested on each of us in turn before she spoke.

“I believe I have.”

Chapter 34

Everyone remained silent. No way would any of us come out and say, “You know about zombies then, right?” And sure, Sorsha clearly knew something about zombies, but I had no clue how much. I had an ugly feeling she suspected I was one, but what about the others?

Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Well?”

Sorsha leaned against the table behind her, a casual pose that looked more like a cat preparing to pounce. “I have reasons to believe Dr. Charish was conducting, or intending to conduct, experiments on the victims’ remains—namely their heads. Not long after Quinn was identified as the killer, Dr. Charish had contact with a Walter McKinney, a.k.a. William Rook, who is wanted on more charges than I can count, and who is believed to have committed murder and kidnapping at Dr. Charish’s behest.” She lowered her head, eyes on me.

“That’s right,” I said leaning against the table behind me in a doomed attempt to copy her stance. “Last year he kidnapped my dad to get to me.”

A tiny little mock frown puckered her forehead. “And why is that?”

“Why do you think?” I challenged and mock-frowned right back at her.

“I’m asking the questions here,” she replied evenly.

“Well, I just asked you a question, so apparently I’m asking them, too!”

Behind her, Kyle gave me a warning head shake. Yet I didn’t miss the ever-so-slight flicker of amusement in Sorsha’s expression. I allowed myself an instant of triumph then pressed what little advantage I had.

“Look,” I said. “I overheard you asking Kristi about zombies in the gator room. And back before Mardi Gras, you sure seemed fascinated by my zombie makeup.” Which had been my actual rotting flesh. “Not to mention, you were awfully interested in the Zombies Are Among Us!! documentary that supposedly showed real zombies.”

Satisfaction filled her eyes. “And what do you know of real zombies?”

I threw my hands up. “Are we seriously going to keep beating around the bush? I know you know!”

Brian eased back into the room, tucking his phone away. Sorsha took a step toward me, almost eagerly. “And what do I know?”

I bared my teeth. “That I’m a zombie. Woooooeeeeeooooo I’m a monster. Look at me!” I raised my hands like claws and widened my eyes comically. “Big scary brain-eating monster!”

Dr. Nikas sank onto a stool, looking a little pale. Brian made a pained grimace. “Jesus Christ, Angel,” he hissed.