“Because of this.” She held up a thumb drive. “The medical records of one Angel Beatrice Crawford.”

“What the fuck?”

She glanced at the door to make sure it was closed. “Reno Larson tossed this from his vehicle Monday morning.”

“When Abadie was pursuing him!”

Sorsha nodded once. “Detective Abadie noted the general location, and last night I recovered the drive.”

“The EMR number,” I breath

ed and fumbled the card out of my pocket. “Reno had this.”

Sorsha took the card and scrutinized front and back. “May I hold onto it? I’ll give you an evidence receipt.”

“Er, that’s cool. You keep it.” Best not to lay official claim to the item I’d stolen from an impounded car I’d trashed.

“I have questions,” Rachel said.

“As do we all,” Dr. Nikas murmured.

Rachel turned to me. “Beatrice? Your initials are A-B-C?”

“Yes, and you have no idea how many times my dad sang the damned alphabet song to me when I was little.” I glanced toward the door to be extra-super-sure it was closed and noted that Kyle had slipped in at some point. “Reno works for Kristi,” I said to Sorsha. “Do you think he was getting my file for her?”

She regarded me. “Why would Dr. Charish want your medical records?”

Rachel raised an eyebrow. “Why would anyone want your medical records, Angel? No offense.”

“I have no freaking idea!” I gave a strained laugh. “Unless Kristi’s super interested in the times my mom brought me to the ER because I was so clumsy.” I maintained a smile even as my gut tightened at the old memories.

“And the time you overdosed,” Rachel said with a slight shrug.

Dr. Nikas twitched at that, and I mentally crossed fingers Sorsha hadn’t noticed. But surely she wouldn’t be able to make any connection between my overdose and my becoming a zombie. But what could be so important about the overdose incident for Kristi to go to such lengths to see my records?

I dug my hands through my hair. “Well, whatever the reason, Kristi didn’t get them. So it’s all good.”

Kyle spoke up. “The hospital computer system crashed the day of Deputy Connor’s death.”

I tensed. No, not all good. Kristi had been after my medical records, and Reno had failed her. She wouldn’t have given up. “Harlon Murtaugh was there. He’s—”

“I know who he is,” Sorsha interrupted. “Excuse me. I need to make a call.” She moved to the other side of the room and pulled out her phone. “Agent Garner,” she said quietly. “There was a system crash at the hospital on Tuesday, during Connor’s stay. Crawford said Murtaugh was there.”

“Likely not a coincidence,” Garner replied, his tone calm and easy-going despite the circumstances. No stupid door to block my zombie hearing this time—or that of the other zombies in the room.

“My thought as well. Another attempt at Crawford’s records.”

“Agreed. I’ll get the cyber people on it to confirm,” he said. “Charish made another call to Saberton ops five minutes ago. Gallagher’s on standby if you need backup, and I just dispatched a team from Baton Rouge. But Charish is feeling the pressure, so act at your own discretion. Keep it contained and a lid on the weirdness. The ball’s in your court.”

Dr. Nikas exchanged a worried look with Brian, while I tried to appear cool and collected. How much weirdness did she know about?

The barest hint of a smile touched one corner of Sorsha’s mouth. “Thank you, sir.”

Brian stepped out of the room, phone to ear. Calling Pierce, I was certain.

“How did you know Reno was going to steal my medical records?” I asked Sorsha after she hung up.

Sorsha folded her arms. “I didn’t. He was a person of interest, and I had eyes on him. When he gained access to the hospital admin building, I attempted to detain him, but he fled, leading to the pursuit.”