“Taking out chunks of hide is pretty fucking harsh.”

“They’re already healing. Zombie-gators, remember?”

“That’s not the point!”

“Sacrifices must be made to find a cure,” she said as if lecturing a child. “If you aren’t prepared for that, I suggest you excuse yourself from this research facility. Especially before I have the brains removed from the little ones later.”

Whether she was serious or just fucking with me, her comment succeeded in stoking my zombie-mama protective instinct to volcano-hot. I leaned close and snarled, “Better damn well clear it with Dr. Nikas before you mess with those gators again.” I knew he would never hurt them unless there was no other way to the cure.

She swiveled the stool to face me, fire in her eyes. “Those alligators are mine.”

No, bitch, they’re mine. I met her gaze with my own inferno. “If you hurt them, I’ll make sure you get to spend time with them up close and personal.”

“Oh, goodness. Am I supposed to be scared?”

“Only if you’re smart.” I straightened. “What did that FBI agent want?”

Kristi smiled smugly and turned back to the computer. “Agent Aberdeen was interested in my process and progress.”

“Your progress?” I sneered. “You’re not flying solo here.”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Angel. It’s merely a turn of phrase. I was the one she was interviewing.”

“Then why’d you let her think Dr. Nikas was your assistant?”

She slanted a look at me. “Eavesdroppers often mishear things.”

“You said he was a godsend because of his assistance. What did you say to counter that?”

“If you don’t know, then obviously you weren’t included in the conversation.”

I clamped down on a heated retort as Dr. Nikas returned without Reg, but with another sheaf of papers. He dropped them on the desk beside Kristi, and I stepped away. Just as well. I needed out of that conversation before I ended up slugging her pert little chin.

While Dr. Nikas and Kristi conferred, I busied myself with necessary scutwork—fetching printouts, sterilizing supplies, and even making coffee. At one point Rachel passed me a handful of brain chips, telling me that I needed to keep my strength up. After I gladly accepted them, she casually offered Fritz a chip.

“No thank you,” he said, expression stern and serious. He flicked a quick glance toward Kristi then added quietly, “I wouldn’t want to have a . . . brain fart.”

Rachel pressed her lips together to hold back laughter and gave him a slow “you win” nod. He replied with a “damn straight” dip of his chin and went back to being a mean, tough bodyguard.

Around twenty minutes later, Kristi slid off the stool and gathered up her papers. “I’ll be in the microscope room trying to get to the bottom of this,” she announced and snapped her fingers. “Techs. With me.”

As she stalked off, Hairy Tech and Beardzilla leaped up as if their chairs had turned into cactuses and hurried after her with Fritz following.

The sound of Kristi’s wedges faded down the hall, but before I could celebrate her departure, I heard her say, “Agent Aberdeen, back so soon?”

“I never left,” came the gravelly reply. “There are still a few people I’d like to talk to.”

“She means me!” I gasped and looked around wildly for an escape. Hide under a table? Yeah, that would totally fool her—if she’d gone completely blind in the last half hour.

The only other door was the walk-in fridge. “Don’t tell her I’m here!” I dashed into the fridge, pulled it closed to a thin crack, and peeked out.

Sorsha opened the lab door with Kristi on her heels.

Kristi looked flustered. “I’m happy to make time to answer—”

Sorsha stopped abruptly and pivoted to face her. “No need. I’ll find you after I’ve spoken to Dr. Nikas.” With no further warning, she shut the door in Kristi’s face. I closed myself in the fridge before she could see me, even as I silently celebrated the glorious snub.

Too late, I realized I should have grabbed a lab coat on the way in. The fridge was kept at thirty-four degrees, like the cooler at the morgue. Fine and dandy for a few minutes, but who knew how long Sorsha would stick around.