Dr. Nikas knelt beside me. “Angel, hold on. We’re here.”

This is really bad! Help me!

“We’re here.”

Bear scraped my rotten arms and legs into a body bag.

Rosario was gone. Only me now. What was left. Nick backed away, face lifeless as Dr. Nikas worked on me.


Nick kept backing. Away. From me.


Chapter 34

“Angel. Wiggle your fingers.”

Silly Dr. Nikas. Far away, muffly, Dr. Nikas. Wiggly. No fingers to wiggly.


Warm. Weightless. Weird. Angel. That’s meeee.

“Increase the voltage.”

Voltage. ’Lectricity. Tingly. Stingy.


“Her eyes are open. Any change in the readings?”


What the hell? Where am I? I can’t move. Dr. Nikas?!

“Heart rate increasing. Twenty-six. Thirty-four. Forty.”

“Angel. Wiggle your fingers.”

I’m trying! I can’t feel my hands. Do I have hands? Can’t feel anything. Brain is tingling. Everything’s blurry like I’m looking through—

Slug snot. I’m in slug snot! Shit!

“Heart rate forty-four.”

Jacques, Dr. Nikas, I can’t move! What happened? Why am I in the coffin tank?

“Angel.” A shape, a hand, wiggling in front of my eyes. “Blink.”

I’m trying, I swear. Fuck. I see you. I see you.

“Holding steady at forty-four.”

“Take her down again. She’s not ready.”

Yes, I am! I’m right here. I can hear you. I can see. Don’t.