The box had been replaced with a man’s ring. The same one he’d given her almost five years ago. She’d kept it?

“I hope you don’t mind, but I had our initials engraved on the inside. This ring deserves a second chance. Just like us.”

He blinked, unable to get out any words as she slipped the ring on his finger.

Her smile became uncertain and a worried frown replaced it. “If you don’t want to wear it, I’ll understand.” She shook her head. “Okay, so I lied. I really, really want you to wear this. I want everyone to see that you belong to me and—”

Cutting her off with a kiss, he proceeded to show her exactly who he belonged to.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Melanie leaned back on the wood and glass counter, giving Zoe a mischievous smile. “How are things going?”

“Fine,” Zoe said, paying for their desserts. Wasn’t that the understatement of the year?

“You have a hot person of the male kind sleeping with you every night and it’s only fine?” Melanie took a sip of her milkshake and followed Zoe out to the sidewalk.

The spring weather made the day sunny and warm. Residents of Holland Springs shopped in the bustling downtown, waving and nodding as they passed one another.

Zoe tilted her head to the side and nibbled on her bottom lip. “Okay, it’s more than fine. I didn’t think he’d actually still be here, you know?”

“A man doesn’t show up to eat crow without a very good reason. Christian could be with anyone in the entire world, but he’s here. With you. Just in case you weren’t sure,” Melanie pointed out. “Even if he’s at a bachelor party in Paris.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Have more self-confidence in yourself and give him a little credit.”

Zoe chewed on her straw. “I gave him the ring.”

“Does he know you’re wearing his?” Melanie asked.

Glancing at her hand, Zoe wished she’d actually had the nerve to put the antique ring on before he’d left. But coward that she was, she waited until that night and didn’t even show to him when they had talked over Skype. “No, I want to surprise him with it when he gets back.”

“So it’s official, he can stay?”

Taking a deep breath, Zoe looked at her best friend and gave her a big smile. “Yes.”

Melanie squeezed her tight. “You won’t be sorry, Z. Not this time. I can feel it.”

They walked down Broad Street’s sidewalk and took a left onto Ivy Lane. Carolina Dreams’ familiar bright yellow door was propped open. One of the three Holland sisters stood outside, writing on a chalkboard display.

Auburn hair gleamed in the sun and Skye Holland turned, tossing Zoe and Melanie a cheerful smile. “I have your belly butter ready, Melanie.” Skye motioned for them to follow her inside.

“Did you know I have to hide it from Carter?” Melanie asked as she waddled to the back of the store.

“He doesn’t like you using the sisters’ concoctions?” Zoe frowned at her retreating form.

“Oh, no, he loves it,” Melanie said, handing her credit card to Skye. “So much that he eats it out of the jar.”

Zoe smothered a giggle.

Skye’s eyes danced with mirth. “It’s completely safe for humans and animals.” She held the glass jar up to the light. “All natural, homegrown ingredients. And we recycle.”

“Have you taken him, Zoe?” Rose Holland asked, appearing beside her sister and making Zoe start. With long, curly black hair and fair skin, Rose had always reminded Zoe of Snow White. But if one listened to the town gossip, the Holland sisters were more like the witch. Only without the poisoned apples.

Melanie snorted. “I know she’s taken him.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” Zoe lightly tapped her sister-in-law on the arm. “She’s talking about the springs.”

Melanie’s brown eyes widened. “Oooh, I can’t wait to see how that turns out. Carter and I had amazing sex there. Mind-blowing, make you want to slap his momma sex.”

Zoe made puking motions with her hands and mouth. She so did not want to hear about her sister-in-law and her brother.

“If you want to know, Zoe, that’s where you’ll find your answers.” Rose tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“It’s just a legend,” Zoe said. “Besides, I already know he loves me.”

“Did you and Gabriel ever find it?” Skye asked, handing Melanie a receipt.

“No.” She had thought Gabriel would have loved to go hiking through the woods, looking for an elusive pool of water that the town was named after. Instead, he’d complained the entire time and after an hour of searching, Zoe had given up. They’d been right out of college, before they’d broken up for the second time and she had moved to California.

Rose’s ocean-blue eyes held a look of pity. “That’s not why you didn’t find it.”

“Tell me what I did wrong,” Zoe snapped, then she sighed and laid a hand on Rose’s arm. “Sorry, I’m just…”

“Afraid,” Skye chimed in and looked at her older sister.

“Maybe a little,” Zoe admitted.

Rose’s hand covered Zoe’s. “The path to true love is never easy. Nothing worth having ever is. And remember, Summer and I never told you to go looking for it with Gabriel.”

Melanie nodded in agreement. “You know what they say: no guts, no glory.”

“Fine.” Zoe threw her free hand up in the air, smacking a wind chime and making it play discordant notes. “Oh, crap. I’m sorry.”

Rose’s eyes cut to the chimes. The tune changed, giving Zoe and judging by Melanie’s loud sigh, a sense of peace.

“Summer said to tell you to go the day after tomorrow,” Skye said, reading from her cell phone. “You know where to start?”

Zoe nodded. She knew the legend by heart. “By the intertwined dogwoods at Strawberry Grove.”

“He has to take the lead. You have to trust him, because love is nothing without it,” Rose said. She came around the counter and gave Zoe a large basket. “Take this with you.”

“Whenever he comes back, I’ll take him.” Zoe bounced up and down on the pads of her feet as the two Holland sisters gave her identical raised brows. “I know, I know. The day after tomorrow.” Zoe glanced at her sister-in-law. “Ready to go?”