The sun dipped low in the sky behind them, casting gloomy shadows on the sandy expanse. To his right, what looked to be an old mansion with a double balcony sat surrounded by live oaks and Magnolia trees. A woman paced back and forth, blond hair trailing out behind her. Fireflies seemed to follow her as she walked. Soon, a dark haired man appeared and wrapped his arms around her.

Was that Gabriel?

He blinked, then blinked again. The balcony was empty of people and fireflies. “Did you see the woman walking with all the fireflies?”

Zoe shook her head.

“This is an absolutely fantastic beach. No worry of shark attacks, jelly fish and most importantly no fear of seeing a three hundred pound bloke wearing a Speedo with black socks and white trainers.”

A small smile flitted across her lips. “You haven’t met Uncle Jethro.”

“When is the next get together? I’ll be sure to say hello.”

“It’s next month,” she said softly, turning to face him. His heart bumped against his chest when he saw she’d been crying. God, all he did was make her cry. “You’ll be gone before then.”

He ignored her statement. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you when you showed up that day.”

“I bet,” she said, her lips twisting. “You looked like you couldn’t have cared less, and you sounded like an ass. Are you normally that gracious to your fans?”

“You looked very beautiful that night and you tasted like heaven,” he said, “I thought you were my twenty-first birthday present.”

“I wish I’d missed the first, the second and last time we kissed,” she said, rising from the table and moving towards the path that led to her house.

This was not going well at all. He trailed behind her. “Zoe, wait up. We have to talk.”

“We don’t have to do anything,” she shouted. “You need to leave. I need to write… about villains. Evil villains that break hearts.”

“I’m here to mend yours with pieces of mine.”

She whirled on him. “Stop giving me lines.”

“It’s the truth.” He touched her cheek. His heart plummeted to his stomach when she flinched.

“I can’t do this. Not right now.” She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“When?” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Her soft cheek. “Let me in, Zoe.” He trailed his lips down to the corner of her mouth.

She trembled and he wrapped his arms around her.

He rejoiced when she melted into him. Brushing his mouth against hers, he tasted the salty tears on them. “Let me stay.”

She sighed.

He slanted his mouth over hers, nibbling and teasing her tightly closed lips until they parted in sweet surrender. Just as he swept his tongue inside of her mouth, she tore away.

“No.” She ran from him.

He followed her, keeping his distance.

She slammed her door shut and the lock clicked in place. Lights flicked on as she made her way through the house. He met her on the front porch just as she locked the screen door. The light beside the entrance gave off a soft glow.

“I’ll be back tomorrow evening.”

Zoe’s arms crossed over her chest. “I won’t be home.”

“Where will you be?”

“I’m going out with Melanie.”

Most likely she was telling the truth, but he wouldn’t let it deter him. “What about Friday evening?”

“No place you’d be seen in. Might get your clothes dirty.”

“Sweetheart, I’ve been to places you’ve only written about. Now, where will you be?” he asked, his voice even and calm. Not bad for a man who wanted to tear down the barrier between them with his bare hands.

“Poor Boy’s,” she said, then tilted up her nose. “You can figure out where that is or have Sasha do a background check on it.” She moved to shut the door. “Have a good night.”

He stood there, facing the door locked to him. He walked over to one of the rocking chairs on her front porch and sat down.

A dog howled in the distance.

Christian grimaced at the lonely sound. “Know just how you feel, mate.”

The porch light went dark. “Go home, Christian.”

She called him Christian. Not Ian. He grinned. “Already here, love,” he shouted back. “I’m already here.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Poor Boy’s was a rundown honky-tonk that boasted sticky wood floors, cheap beer and live bands. The men in here wore dark jeans, t-shirts and the occasional preppy golf shirt. While the women were dressed in everything from sweaters and jeans to two strips of fabric covering their naughty bits. A sight familiar the world over.

Then there was his wife, the gypsy, standing with two of her brothers. She wore an embroidered top in a soft yellow color and a light green skirt that had pleats in it like an accordion. His fingers itched to drag up the material above her thighs while he kissed the soft hollow in her neck.

Presently, his brothers-in-law were giving him crossed arms over the chest glares. He lifted his beer in salute as Zoe’s brother, Luke, eyes narrowed in on him. There was no way any of them were going to scare him off. He’d faced worse and lived to tell the tale. Produced it even.

Christian ticked his chin up slightly, nodding to a corn-fed farmboy with hands as big as his head when the bloke man-checked him. And yes, Christian knew he didn’t belong here. Didn’t look the part and wasn’t willing to conform. He thought of all the places he could be at this moment. Paris, London, Beijing or even St. Petersburg. Holy hell, he could be in Majorca right now, sunning himself with Zoe at his side.

But where was he? In a third rate bar, hanging out in the shadows like a first rate stalker.

She happened to glance in his direction and frown. He motioned her over, but she tilted her nose in the air and whirled away.

Stubborn ass woman. It was one of the things he loved about her.

He took a long pull of his beer and set the bottle down, pulling at the edge of the label until it curled over. In a few months he’d be five years older than when he met her. And he was determined to celebrate with Zoe.

His phone vibrated as a text from Sasha appeared. Christian had to read it a couple of times before he shoved the thing back into his pocket. He cursed silently and stood, leaving a tip for the flirtatious server and left.


“What do you mean the pictures have gone viral?” Christian growled into the phone.

“You’re being punished for leaving. Sorry, I had no choice in the matter, but there’s speculation as to whether it’s you or your brother,” came Sasha’s reply before they lost signal.