“Do you get you’re a butthead a lot, too?”

What the hell was she referring to? Oh, right the taller in person remark. “Not since what you Americans call middle school or whatever it is in this country that masquerades as public education.”

She tapped her foot repeatedly, sending his eyes down to her shoes. He swallowed at the sight of ribbons caressing her shapely legs as they disappeared under her dress.

“Prepare yourself, because there's more where that came from, you snobby anglophile," she said, tossing her ponytail to one side.

Christian bit the inside of his cheek, trying to contain his laughter. She didn't seem to give a damn who he was. Actually, she looked and sounded quite put-off by him. Her eyes darted around, as if looking for an exit. An unusual experience in his life. One that he found he liked.

The subtle scent of honeysuckle drifted toward him and for a moment she reminded him of the woman who haunted his dreams.

“Honeysuckle?” At her nod, he lifted a bright red curl and brought it to his nose for a moment before letting it slip through his fingers, immediately jealous of the strand as it caressed a bare shoulder. “Do you taste as sweet as you smell?”

She crossed her arms over her chest, scowling. “Stop doing that, please.”

“Stop doing what?”

“Staring at me.” She glanced around, then back at him. “It’s making everyone else stare, too.”

“I’m not allowed to look at you?” he snapped, chagrinned at the memories she provoked.

Glossy lips pressed together. “Do you need a how-to-stop-being-a-jerk manual? I’ve got a copy in my purse, and it’s the one for dummies.”

He scraped a hand through his hair, willing away his misdirected anger. She couldn’t help what scent she wore. “By chance, do you have a manual on how to apologize appropriately to a woman while still holding on to your man cards?”

“Afraid someone will tear them up?” Her brows quirked.

“Just a little.” He grinned.“Where are you staying? I’d like to take you out. Actually, I’d love to make you breakfast.”

Her cheeks flushed a charming shade of pink. “At The Oasis, but I’ll be busy with meetings and a book signing.”

“What’s your name?” he asked and for a moment her eyes flashed at him, but then her rosy lips curved into a smile that sucked away his breath.

“Zoe Ambrose.” She pulled her phone out of her purse.

“Ian Romanov.”

She frowned, but he wasn’t sure if it was at him or the message on her phone.“I know.”

“Call me Christian.” It slipped out before he could stop himself.

Her lashes flicked up, giving him a glimpse of forest colored eyes. “I’d rather not.”

The relief that should have accompanied her answer never hit him. Instead her answer annoyed the hell out of him. Now he needed her to call him Christian. He also needed his head checked for caring about anyone’s opinion of him, while standing in the middle of an airport, with his bodyguards on one side and random people on the other, taking pictures and uploading videos to You Tube.

However, it didn’t stop him from asking, “Where are you from?”

“North Carolina.” Small white teeth worried her bottom lip as she typed.

“Small town?” How serendipitous would it be to land at McCarran and find his small town image remake at the airport? It also didn’t hurt that she looked…normal. She was exactly what the girl-next-door should look like. Pleasing to the eye, but not the kind of face and body to drive a man insane with lust.

He let his gaze travel over her. On second thought, the curves highlighted by her dress were something that needed to be studied. In his bed.

Her fingers paused and her brows drew together. “No, it’s a state.”

A what? Oh, good God, she thought he didn’t know…He bit back another grin. “Yes, I’ve worked at the studios in Wilmington before. Is the town you’re from small or large?”

“Oh…oh,” she said, her cheeks turning pink again. She glanced down, her thumbs nimble over her keypad. “It’s small.”

Fantastic. He stepped closer to her, his body humming in anticipation. “I’d love to get together while you’re here.”

“Sorry, but I’ll be too busy to socialize.” Tucking her phone back into her purse, she smiled. “Well, have a nice day.” She turned, grabbed her carry-on and walked away.

From him.

He couldn’t form a proper reply. He was too damn stunned at being so easily dismissed.

She tripped over the smooth floor, stumbling into a guy wearing a Brooks Brothers’ suit and making him drop his luggage to catch her. Envy stabbed at Christian’s gut when the man wrapped his arms around her and she laughed up at him.

Christian frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. He widened his stance, ignoring everyone but Zoe as he eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Here’s my card. Maybe we can—”

“No thanks, I already have a lawyer. Do you know where the drivers wait?” She handed the business card back.

The dark-haired lawyer pointed to the left, his shoulders slumping when she told him to have a good day. Then they both got to watch her cute little bum as she marched off.

A strange feeling passed over Christian. It was almost as if he recognized that walk. Then again, she had said they’d met before. Perhaps that’s why she was so irritated with him. But honestly, he couldn’t remember meeting someone who looked or sounded like her.

Zoe turned right and disappeared, then reappeared a few seconds later heading in the opposite direction.

Oh, she was extremely adorable. And, he noticed as she glanced back in his direction, extremely unnerved by him. What had he done to her? Or rather with her.

It didn’t matter. He wanted her for his image remake. Whatever he had to do to get back on her good side, he’d consider it his absolute pleasure.

Gripping her book in his hand, he smiled victoriously. Every woman he knew liked to read by the pool or in the bath. It was up to him to return it to her like any other Good Samaritan. He grabbed his duffle bag from the floor and slid the book in a side pocket. “Now who’s lucky?”

With his bodyguards flanking him, he followed the woman who was doing her best to escape him. Suddenly, she ducked around a corner. There was no way he was going to let her get away. She was the answer to his prayers.

Chapter Three