“I promise to keep all your secrets,” he whispered, breaking through the last barriers of her pent up anger and resistance.

“He was very charming and I remember talking to him for hours, about nothing and everything. It wasn’t the first time we’d met or talked, but that night everything seemed right.” His hands continued to stroke her, encouraging her to continue. “I don’t know if it was the champagne or the moonlight, or what, but we sneaked away and he promised to…to”

“But he didn’t.”

She shook her head, tears falling harder than before. “He broke my heart…I’d never done anything like that before.”

“Tell me his name.” His hands slid down to grip her hips. “I’ll find the bastard and hold him still while you stab him, through his heart. Then I’ll pay someone to get rid of the body.”

She laughed.

“I’m not kidding.” The pressure from his grip increased. “How old were you?”

“Old enough to have known better.”

“What about him?”

Apparently, he’d been broken and messed up in ways she couldn’t imagine. Not that she excused his broken promise, but she better understood it. “He doesn’t exist anymore.”

“No more control over you, or your decisions?”

“Nope.” She stretched her body, relishing the feel of his against it. “I’m free to do whatever I want.”

He growled a little. “I think that’s very sexy.”

“Kiss me.” She wanted to be with him in every way possible. The past was just that, the past. Holding on to her anger and pain did nothing for her, only served to punish those who tried to get close.


“Why not?”

“If I kiss you, I’m not going to stop, and I don’t want to be a pity f**k.”

That was the last thing she expected him to say or think. “You’re not.”

His body shook and tensed, as if he was exerting great control over it and it didn’t want to obey. “Look, I want to do things the right way with you, not in a seedy motel where we’re both feeling things that might or might not be real. And that’s what I need most of all—real.”

“A speech like that could make a woman fall in love with you, Christian.” Too bad that woman was her and she was leaving in two days.

“Maybe some women, but not you.” She didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. Or maybe it had nothing to do with her.

There was a loud buzzing sound, almost like bees in a hive. In the darkened room she just could make out the bed as it shook, the covers tumbling to the floor. “Five minutes for a rockin’ good time,” she said to herself, thankful for the darkness. He could think she was a dumbass, but at least he couldn’t see her as one. “It wasn’t an earthquake. It was the bed.”

“Of course it was.” He barked out a laugh. “Go sleep, love. It’s almost three-thirty and we need to be out of this town by seven to get you back in time for your book signing.”

“How did you know?”

“Brennen told me. How do you think I found out about your helicopter tour?” He tucked her against him, falling asleep in what seemed like minutes while she remained completely awake.


The next morning, after dressing in silence, he took her back to the diner where Betty waited on them. It was the fastest and quietest meal of her life.

On the drive back, Zoe tried engaging Christian in conversation but his answers were limited to grunts and yes or no.

In her experience (and she had four brothers to confirm this), most men were cranky when they were hungry or lacked sex. Judging by what happened last night and the hearty meal he’d scarfed down at breakfast, she knew which one was making him cranky.

With that in mind, she gave up, closed her eyes and slept the rest of the way back to the hotel until Christian woke her up. “We’re here, Zoe.”

She yawned and stretched, giving him a funny look when he sat there and stared at her. “What?”

“Are you punishing me for trying to do the right thing?” His eyes flicked down to her chest. The material of her turquoise shirt strained against her br**sts.

“No.” Flustered, she picked up her purse, then opened the car door. His hand on her arm stopped her from getting out.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me good-bye?” he asked when she turned to face him. “Well, not good-bye exactly. How about kiss me until later?”

“Um, well, I figured you didn’t want to, ah, I’m no good at this,” she said, hiking her purse higher. “I can’t be all sophisticated and glib about the whole about-last-night-conversation we may or may not need to continue.”

He smiled. “And that is one of the very lovely qualities you posses that makes me want to be with you.”

Stunned, she couldn’t close her eyes when his lips found hers, kissing her softly.

“Forgive me for being a horrible riding companion?” He batted his baby blues at her.

She was such a sucker. “I forgive you.”

“I’ll come by your room later,” he promised.

As Zoe got out of the car, she could feel his eyes on her, but she didn’t dare turn around. The paparazzi were already buzzing around her and it would only grow worse if she did.

Chapter Sixteen

Christian heard them before he saw them. Hundreds of fans had lined up to get one of Zoe’s autographed books, but they weren’t the only ones there. Reporters from major gossip channels and magazines jostled for their turn to ask Zoe personal questions about him.

This was no ordinary book signing.

In fact, it was supposed to have taken place in the bookstore in shopping wing of The Oasis. Apparently, the crowd wanted more than a signed book. They wanted gossip and for him to show up. Which he had and now regretted, because he didn’t want to cause problems or draw attention away from Zoe on her day.

“Ms. Ambrose, is it true that you’re dating Ian Romanov strictly for the press it would bring your books and upcoming movie?”

Zoe smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Christian wanted to run up there to save her, but he knew his presence would most likely cause pandemonium. It was why he stood in a corner, wearing a baseball hat and keeping his head down.

“O.M.G! It’s you,” a woman squealed.

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “And who would that be?” he asked, affecting a mid-western accent. “Oh, you think I’m… Man, I get this all the time. I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not that guy.” Hopefully, she would leave so he could concentrate on Zoe’s book signing turned press conference.