Me: Well…I’m glad I came today. Thanks for the invite. It was funner than I thought it would be.

Jackson: Funner? Is that a word?

Me: Don’t be the grammer police.

Jackson: *grammar

Me: OMG!

Jackson: Sorry. Had to.

Jackson: Where’d you end up sitting?

Me: The cheap seats.

Jackson: Where are those?

Me: Are you being serious? You don’t know where the cheap seats are?? Were you raised in a bubble?

Jackson: Dude—when do I have the chance to sit in the stands? Duh.

Me: Don’t you ever go to other games? Even baseball? The cheap seats are at the 50-yard line and 50 yards up. Haha. Nosebleeds I guess you’d call them—like when you go to a concert and are up near the ceiling. Those.

Jackson: Shit, sorry. I should have left you tickets at will call.

Me: Why on earth would you do that?

Jackson: So you had better seats—so you can see? lol Those seats high up SOOK balls man.

Me: We could see just fine. My friend Natasha brought boynoculars.

Jackson: What the fuck are those?

Me: Binoculars meant specifically for staring at boys with.

Jackson: Girls are so weird.

Me: Really, Jackson?? And you cruising the strip because you’re BORED isn’t?? Instead of partying or studying or staying home like a normal person, you drive up and down the street doing nothing.

Jackson: Oh, like my house is so quiet? And so conducive to studying?

Me: Have you ever heard of the library???

Jackson: First of all, stop using so many question marks.

Me: Second of all?

Jackson: Yes I’ve heard of the damn library. I’m there almost every Sunday night.

Me: Bull crap, you are not.

Jackson: Wanna make a bet?

Me: Yes.

Me: No.

Me: Yes. Where do you study?

Jackson: Top floor, study room on the left at the end of the second row. There’s a table in it with four chairs. That’s my spot.

Me: Are you being serious?

Jackson: As a heart attack.

Me: Guess I’ll just have to take your word for it.

Jackson: Or you could join me.

Me: Lol

Jackson: What’s so funny?

Me: Me coming to study with you. Like it was a date.

Jackson: If I was askin’ you on a date, trust me, you’d know.

Me: Well thank goodness you’re not.

Jackson: But what if I was.

Me: But you’re not.

Jackson: Are you always like this?

Me: Always like what?

Jackson: So argumentative.

Me: Probably. I swear to you I’m not doing it on purpose…

Jackson: Let’s get serious for a second. What would it take to get you to go out with me?

Me: I thought you didn’t date.

Jackson: Pretend I’m fixin’ to make a few exceptions.

Me: Starting with me?

Jackson: Yeah, starting with you.

Me: Should I feel flattered by this pretend attention?

Jackson: No, you should just say you’ll let me take you out.

Me: Are we still pretending? Because it sounds like you’re actually asking me out.

Jackson: For grins, let’s say it’s for real.

Me: All right. Where is this real pretend date taking place?

Jackson: It’s a surprise.

Me: Oh brother *eye roll*

Jackson: Is that a yes?

Me: It’s not a NO…

Jackson: Friday then? We have to be in early because we have a game on Saturday and it’s in Ohio so I leave buttass early, but I figure if you don’t have any classes in the afternoon Friday it could still work.

Me: Wow. You’ve actually thought this through.

Jackson: Go big or go home.

Me: Fine.

Jackson: Fine?

Me: Yeah, sure. Fine.

Jackson: Gee, try not to sound so thrilled.

Me: Do you want me to go on a date with you or not?

Jackson: Do. But could you show a little enthusiasm?


Jackson: Sarcasm, Charlotte? Really?

Me: Some sarcasm. Lil bit. But if you really want to take me out, I can’t make any promises about what’s gonna happen.

Jackson: What do you mean?

Me: I mean—don’t go falling in love with me is all I’m saying.

Jackson: This isn’t a movie. That’s NOT going to happen.

Me: That’s what they say in ALL the movies…

Jackson: Guarantee that’s not going to happen.

Me: Great. So Friday afternoon then?

Jackson: Yeah, Friday—if that works. 3:oo?

Me: You sure you wouldn’t rather be trolling the strip in your babe-mobile?

Jackson: No. I’ll be outside your house gunning the motor until you come outside.

Me: Oh god, please don’t.

Jackson: Then you better not keep me waiting.

Me: SUCH a Neanderthal.

Jackson: You said it, not me. And no, Charlotte, I will not fall in love with you—as long as you promise not to fall in love with me.

Me: Don’t make me laugh.

Jackson: Stranger things have happened, babe.

Me: Do me a favor and cool it with the ‘babe’ talk, ’kay? I just gagged in my mouth.

Jackson: Sorry, it just slipped out of my fingers. It made me gag, too.

Me: At least we have one thing in common.

Jackson: Should I start a list and add that to it?

Me: Very cute, very cute.

Me: Hey. I’m sorry this entire time we’ve been talking, I totally forgot to ask how your game was.