It was amazing. She actually felt nothing for him. Not a single thing. “Bran…” She untangled her hand from his grip. “You had my trust and broke it. I can’t repair that. Regrettably, neither can you.”

“But I’m sorry.”

“So am I. The whole thing was unfortunate. But once trust is broken, it’s broken for good.”

“People work through this stuff all the time.”

“I don’t want to be one of those people. I don’t want to start with a disadvantage. I’d rather be alone.”

“You’re not dating?”

“If I was dating someone, I wouldn’t be here.” It stunned her that he thought she could possibly sneak around like that. It also showed how little his thinking had changed.

“We can have a great life together,” he continued selling himself. “I’m making good money. I got the house you loved. You can decorate it however you want. You wouldn’t have to work, because I can give you an allowance.”

She recoiled. “I work because I like my independence, Bran. I don’t need the big house or fancy furniture. None of that stuff is real.”

He frowned as if truly misunderstanding her. “But I thought you wanted those things.”

She shrugged. “I thought I did, too. But I changed.”

She told him about how they purchased the bar and all the little hiccups they had along the way. She laughed, remembering the time she and Maggie nearly blew the place up trying to tap a keg and how Sue kicked them out of the kitchen on a regular basis. Perrin realized, as she shared all those anecdotes, that even the headaches of running a hole-in-the-wall pub turned out to be her favorite parts.

“I was going to buy the land behind the pub to expand.”

“But you’re not?”

“I don’t know.” She contemplated her own uncertainty. “For a while, I thought I couldn’t afford it, but now… Maybe that’s not the answer. Maybe we just need to work on what we have. I have enough money saved to actually make some decent improvements. And I know I can get a small business loan for other repairs. My credit’s good.”

He laughed as if bemused. “You’re so different.” He glanced at her flannel shirt and chuckled again. “You’re so Center County now, when before, you couldn’t wait to leave.”

She smirked. “It’s Jasper Falls. We’re revitalizing.”

Wasn’t it the truth? As the town developed around her, she was reconstructing parts of herself. She’d found new ways to revamp her world and rejuvenate her soul. She’d moved out and moved on from her past. And she liked the woman she discovered in the process.

“I’m not a little girl anymore,” she told him. “I don’t waste time daydreaming. I set goals and go after them.”

He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m impressed.”

His praise meant very little, but it still felt good so she smiled. “Thanks.” She glanced at her watch. “I have to get going. I have an interview at the bar in an hour, and I have to prepare.”

He stood, and when she hugged him goodbye, pretty much assuming this was the last time they’d talk like this, he snuck in a kiss. It was just a peck, but a slow one, full of regret and reluctant acceptance.

She pulled away. “Bye, Bran.”

“Call me if you ever change your mind.”

She wouldn’t. “Take care.”

She smiled, proud of her backbone and relieved at her tested confidence. Then she spotted Gage, standing in the window, watching her.

Chapter 11

Gage pivoted away from the window, his gut churning and jaw locking. He should have never come back.


He didn’t want to face her, but he forced himself to stop and hear whatever excuse she had. When he turned, Perrin skidded to a stop and panted.

“What are you doing here?”

“I had to sign papers at the bank,” he lied. “I’m leaving in an hour.”

“Oh.” Disappointment flashed in her eyes.

He was tempted to offer to stay, but then she smiled and he realized it was better this way. She got what she wanted and she was happy. Even though he didn’t have her, he was glad to have something to do with the smile on her face. “Did they call you?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

He figured they would. He told them if anyone other than Perrin bid on the land, he’d pay over their best offer. But he wanted her to get the property. She deserved it.

Her smile turned tentative as she stared at him, but there seemed nothing more to say.

“You have everything you wanted.” It was all he could manage. Simply being in her presence was killing him. His face hardened as the man she’d been kissing appeared.

She followed his scowl and flushed. “Oh. Gage, this is Bran. Bran, this is Gage.”

“How do you do?” He couldn’t bring himself to shake the man’s hand. He took his measure in one quick glance. “I have to get going. I have a flight to catch.”