Gage continued to keep his hands on her, often standing behind her at the windows, resting his palms familiarly at her hips. They stopped off at a bar in the tower to grab a coffee. “That pill’s worn off,” she informed, pretty sure she’d made up her mind about sleeping with him. In reality, her mind was made up the moment she decided to go out with him, but now, she was ready to pull the trigger.

“I noticed.”

“And it’s almost midnight.”

“Which matters because…?”

“It’ll be a new day.”

He chuckled. “I’m not sure I understand your meaning.”

Was he messing with her? “I’m no longer under the influence, so you can feel free to roam about my cabin on the way home.”

He laughed into his mug. “Let’s see how you are at takeoff. I have a feeling you might need another pill.”

He was probably right. Damn her woozy stomach. She needed to get better at air travel, or she’d never join the mile high club. Was that even a real thing?

They stayed in the bar until one, then he called for the limo and paid the tab. When she stood, he adjusted her coat and kissed her throat. She giggled at his nuzzling lips and turned to wreathe her arms around him, kissing him full-on.


Perrin pulled back and stared at the woman scowling at them. Before she could make any decision about the woman, Gage was detangling his arms and putting distance between them.

“Kathrine,” he greeted, voice indifferent.

The woman glared at Perrin. “Who are you?”

Stunned by the accusation in her voice, Perrin frowned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Katherine. My sister is Gage’s wife.”

Chapter 6

“Perrin, wait!”

Her finger jabbed into the elevator button, as if that might make it arrive faster. As soon as the doors opened, Gage raced in beside her.

“You don’t understand.”

“I don’t care!” she shouted, stabbing the button for the ground floor. When the doors shut, she hit him with her purse. “You’re married?”

He dodged her swinging bag and jumped back. “Technically, yes, but—”

“There’s no but! Oh. My. God! What the hell is wrong with me? Am I like a magnet for cheating assholes? Is there a stamp on my forehead that says SUCKER? Is my picture circulating on the internet or something? What the fuck?”

Her eyes burned as she blinked back tears. He reached for her arm, and she jerked back.

“Don’t touch me!”

“Perrin, please, it’s not like that.”

“Are you married?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then it’s exactly like that.”

“I’m not in love with her!”

“What the hell difference does that make? I can’t believe you actually had me falling for you! Why…” Her lips pinched shut as a lump surged up her throat, threatening to escape as a sob. She shook her head and turned away from him. He wasn’t worth her tears.

“Please hear me out.”

“I don’t care what you have to say.”


“Go to hell.”

When the elevator opened on the ground floor, she went right to the limo out front and slid to the other side, sitting as far away from him as humanly possible. On the drive back to the airport, she kept her stare glued to the window, watching the city lights roll by as her reflection showed a gullible girl with tears sliding down her face. She deserved the humiliation she felt. Would she ever learn?

As soon as the limo parked on the tarmac, she got out and marched up the steps of the jet. She didn’t sit where they sat on the way there. Instead, she went to the back section and sat in the corner, fishing her earbuds out of her purse and plugging them into her ears. When he entered the jet and looked at her, she slipped on her sunglasses, hiding her eyes.

His mouth moved, but she couldn’t hear his words. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she pointed to her earphones and gave him the finger. His shoulders sagged as he dropped into his seat.

The flight attendant seemed startled that they wouldn’t be sitting near each other, but Perrin didn’t care. She shut her eyes, only to open them at the sense of someone watching her.

The attendant, stood a foot in front of her holding out her hand. Perrin removed her earbud and looked up at her.

“Mr. King asked me to give you this.”

She held out a hand, and a small packet filled her palm. The word Benzodiazepine was printed on the front with drug facts. “Thanks.” Perrin took the pill with the water bottle offered and swallowed it down. Oblivion sounded wonderful at the moment.

She fell asleep before they even left the runway and woke to the gentle shaking of Gage’s hand. At first, too dazed to recall he was scum, she smiled at him.

“We’re home.”

She frowned at the sorrow in his eyes, but her concern quickly vanished as she remembered he was married. Stiffening, she gathered her things and tried to stand, but the stupid seatbelt held her down. She fought with it for a few seconds.