“Do you really think Mom is wrapped up in this?”

“I don’t know, but right now I don’t trust anyone,” I admit.

“I don’t blame you. This is all fucking nuts. At least you found her.” Isn't that the damn truth.

“Yeah, but I don’t like the idea of someone being out there that wants to hurt her. I won’t stop until I figure this out. She’s made a few comments that have me thinking she might be remembering things. I’m sure that would help a shit ton.”

“If you need anything, let me know. I can catch a plane anytime.”

“I’m good for now, but if Mom tells you anything—"

“I’ve got you, bro,” he says before we end the call.

My phone goes off again as Kennedy walks into the living room area of the suite. She’s dressed in the clothes I laid out for her.

I check my phone to see it’s a text from Carter.

Carter: Think I found something

“I love the clothes you got me. I’m starting to think I’m a bit spoiled.” I pocket my phone for now, making my way over to her.

“I try. Sometimes you give me a hard time.” I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. She comes easily to me. I love the way her little bump feels pressed up against me.

“Is everything okay?” she asks. Her brows furrow together in concern.

“Right now everything is as it should be.” The look of concern she was wearing melts away. I don’t need her worrying about any of this. I’m going to handle it. “Let’s get you fed and go see our little one.”

Her whole face lights up with excitement, and I plan on keeping it that way.



I stare out the window as we drive to the obstetrician’s office. A weight has been lifted off of me now that Dane has come back into my life. I no longer feel lost. For the last few months I’ve struggled with thoughts of how I was going to raise my little jelly bean all by myself. But with Dane here, I know I no longer have to worry about any of that. I may not remember a whole lot, but I know I can trust him to take care of us.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Dane says, breaking me from my thoughts. I turn to face him. The man is so handsome that I’m surprised I was able to forget him at all.

“I’m happy,” I admit. He reaches over with one of his hands, tangling our fingers together.

I know Dane is worried about some threat, but to me this is the most relaxed I’ve ever felt. My life is stable at the moment to some degree. I’m also about to get to see my little jelly bean.

Dane pulls into a parking lot a few minutes later. When we enter the clinic there is no one else in the waiting room. He leads me up to the front, letting the woman behind the counter know we’re here. She stands immediately, seeing us back into a room.

“When you go to a restaurant and it’s dead inside it’s a bit of a clue that the food might suck,” I point out. “No one is here.”

“That’s because I booked all the time slots.” I snort a laugh. When he doesn't join me, I realize he’s serious. “I want all the doctor's attention on you.”

“You’re nuts.” I shake my head, getting changed into the gown they left for me. Dane’s eyes never leave me as I change in front of him. My body starts to heat thinking about the orgasm he gave me this morning. My body wants more. I know Dane is holding back, but it’s not his nature. I know that deep down. He’s pushy and demanding, and there is something about that I love.

A knock on the door has me getting up onto the table and pushing the dirty thoughts out of my head. This is so not the time. It’s not my fault. I swear I have no control over my body anymore.

“Mr. and Mrs. Osborne,” the doctor says as she enters the room. I should probably tell her we’re not married, but I find I don’t want to. “I’m Doctor Morandi.” She holds her hand out, taking mine and then Dane’s. “I’ve been going over your records this morning.”

“My records?” I ask.

“Yes.” She flicks her gaze to Dane and then back to me. “Your husband had them sent over.” She flips through a few pages. “I have the one from your hospital visit from a few months ago and then your primary doctor from back home.”

“Oh” is all I can say.

“You’re still not remembering anything?” she asks.

“Not really. I have dreams. I’m not sure if they’re real or not. I also seem to know or sense things about the people that were in my life before. When I saw Dane for the first time after the accident, I had a rush of emotions.”