I don’t bother to deny that Leon was involved. So far, only my identity as one of the Phantom robbers has been confirmed. There’s speculation about Leon, but nothing concrete to point in any direction. With regards to the third member, the guessing continues. Damian must’ve always known Leon and I would stick together. I don’t know if he’s familiar with Ruben’s fate, and I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck about that son of a bitch I never should’ve trusted.

“Leon is developing apps, believe it or not,” I say.

“Interesting.” He taps his fingers together. “Then again, he’s always been into that kind of thing.”

“Every family has its geek.”

“I always thought that would be Zoe.”

My chest squeezes at the mention of my sister. “How is she?” I know they’ve had contact.

He opens his mouth, but before he can answer, the door opens, and a woman carrying an overnight bag enters. She’s wearing a red, formal dress, and her hair is up in a fancy do. Mrs. Damian Hart. Lina. Even without the scars on her arms, I would’ve recognized her from the media photos.

“I came as soon as the kids fell asleep,” she says, crossing the floor with hurried strides.

Damian gets to his feet. “Is Susan with them?”

“Of course,” she says. “Josie was a bit fussy, but she settled with a bottle.”

Following Damian’s example, I stand too.

Stopping next to me, she goes on tiptoes to kiss my cheek. I bend down to make it easier for her.

“Oh, Ian,” she exclaims, holding me at arm’s length. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’m only sorry that it’s under such circumstances.”

When Damian clears his throat, she lets me go and shoots an eyeroll in his direction. “He’s my brother-in-law.” Turning her attention back to me, she asks, “How is she doing?”

“We’re waiting for the doctor,” Damian says. “He’s still busy.”

The worry gnaws at me. The few sips of scotch did little to settle my nerves. Cas better fucking pull through like a champ. I want my answers … and so much more.

I take in their attire again. The reason why they’re dressed like this registers in my haze of concern. “I’m sorry for interrupting your party and ruining your Christmas.”

“Nonsense,” she says. “We were just having a quiet family celebration at home. Besides, the kids were tired after all the excitement of opening their presents this morning.”

Fuck. I’m a lousy uncle. I didn’t even ask how the kids are.

“I brought your friend some clothes.” She motions at the overnight bag. “I didn’t know her size, so I just grabbed a couple of my exercise shorts and comfy T-shirts. If you give me her size, I’ll go shopping for her tomorrow.”

“That’s very kind of you,” I say, uncomfortable with the generosity I don’t deserve. “I appreciate it.”

She waves it away. “It’s normal, what anyone would do.”

It’s far from normal to shop for a gunshot victim who’s being treated in secret in your husband’s business tower, but I don’t point out the fact. I suppose that says a lot about the kind of people we are.

“I also brought a few toiletries,” she says. “I’ll leave everything in the bathroom.”

“Thanks,” I say again as she makes her way to the bathroom with the overnight bag.

“You better catch a few hours of sleep,” Damian says. “We have a spare room at the house.”

I scrub my palms over my face. “I prefer to stay close.”

He nods. “You can use the sofa. The offices are closed for the holiday until after New Year. No one will bother you.”

There’s something he needs to communicate to the security personnel on his premises. I weigh my words, choosing them carefully. “Cas can’t leave here, not without me.” I search his eyes to make sure he gets it. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He blows out a long sigh. “I’ve tried that once myself.” His gaze flitters toward Lina who exits the bathroom. Lowering his voice, he says, “I can tell you from personal experience it never ends well.”

“She’s not safe out there.”

“That goes without saying or else you wouldn’t be here.”

“I’ve asked more favors of you than what any man should ask of another.” Putting myself in his debt. I continue softly enough for Lina not to hear. “Just humor me and tell your people not to let her out of the building.”

Lina reaches his side and hooks her arm around his. “Would you like to come home with us for a meal? I can prepare something for your friend when she wakes up.”

“Ian is tired,” Damian says. “He’s going to catch a few hours of sleep.”

“In that case, I’ll send some food over, but call us if you need anything.”

“Sure,” I say, intending no such thing. They’ve already done too much.

“Am I allowed to know her name?” Lina asks with a smile.