‘Yes, we could always talk about the strangeness of your telephone call last night, instead!’ she cut in, once again challenging.

His expression became grim as he stood up to walk over to her. ‘I would really rather you didn’t inform the whole world of our private conversations,’ he muttered harshly, glanci

ng around them pointedly.

There were three other people in the bar beside themselves, John behind the bar, and a couple sitting in the corner of the room, obviously having eyes—and ears!—for no one but each other as they talked softly together in between kisses. Hardly the ‘whole world’!

January gave a dismissive shrug. ‘Well?’ she prompted softly, dark brows raised enquiringly. ‘Of what possible interest can it be to you when I started working here?’

‘I was curious, that’s all.’ He shrugged.

January’s frown turned to one of perplexity. ‘You were curious?’

‘Yes,’ he dismissed abruptly. ‘Shouldn’t you have started singing by now?’ he prompted. ‘John tells me that Peter Meridew is in a foul mood this week.’

She had seen that for herself when she’d walked through Reception earlier and the manager had looked pointedly at his watch because she’d been five minutes late in arriving!

She shot Max a dismissive glance. ‘Perhaps you should spend a little less time talking to the hotel staff and get on with the business you’re paid for!’

His mouth quirked into a smile. ‘The Calendar sisters are my business at the moment, and as you’re one of them…’

In other words, he wasn’t going anywhere, had every intention of staying here for the whole evening.


But as the bar steadily filled up, most people seeming to welcome getting out for the evening after the recent snow, January was able to ignore Max for the main part. After all, she consoled herself, he couldn’t hang around in Yorkshire for ever.

Just long enough to disturb and annoy her!

‘I’ll walk you out to your car,’ he offered as she packed her things away at the end of the evening, the bar having slowly emptied.

Not after what happened last time!

‘There’s no need,’ she refused lightly. ‘John has already offered to go with me,’ she added triumphantly.

‘Unless you would rather go with Mr Golding,’ John put in awkwardly, having shut the bar up. ‘I just thought, after what happened on Monday evening…’ He gave a shrug.

‘That’s fine,’ Max told the other man warmly. ‘You see, January, I’m not the only one who thinks you should take more care!’

If he was annoyed at being usurped in this way, then he certainly wasn’t showing it, January thought disgruntedly. And then realized how ridiculous she was being. She had deliberately accepted John’s offer earlier for the very reason she didn’t want to be put in a position of having to accept one from Max—and now she was angry with him for not trying harder!

‘I’m sure I would be perfectly all right on my own,’ she told Max waspishly.

Max shrugged. ‘Better safe than sorry.’

She raised her eyes heavenwards. ‘It’s too late at night for clichés!’

He chuckled softly before turning to the barman. ‘Make sure you actually see her getting into her car and driving away, John; she has a habit of taking diversions!’

She gasped. ‘You—’

‘Goodnight, January.’ Max bent down to kiss her lightly on the lips. ‘I’ll leave her in your capable hands, then, John,’ he told the other man with obvious amusement.

She shot him a furious glare before striding from the bar, John endeavouring to keep up with her. Something he seemed to be having trouble doing as he favoured his left foot slightly.

‘I twisted my ankle playing football at the weekend,’ he explained with a grimace as January slowed down so that he could catch her up. ‘It made me realize I’m getting too old for that lark!’ he added disgustedly.

January had no idea how old the barman actually was; with his receding hairline, but boyish looks, he could be anywhere between twenty-five and forty.