Page 94 of Fat Cat Liar

“Makes sense?”

“I’d started dating the Director of Architecture at my company before this bid was announced. Overnight, things changed. I tried to talk to him, but it was pointless. There were rumors swirling that there was a big project happening, and now, I know those rumors were true. He couldn’t talk to me about it so he shut me out.”

“That must have hurt.” Greer’s voice fills with sympathy.

Kyra’s shoulders sag and she wraps her arms around herself. I have no choice but to watch this shit-show unfold in front of me. Even from this distance, I can spot the fake bullshit she’s spewing.

“He even moved, left his apartment to find isolation. No room for distractions. Some may describe him as a true bastard in every sense of the word, but you don’t get to the top of your field by being soft. That’s why we melded so well. I understood that drive. His dedication is unmatched in this industry. He’s the best.”

What the fucking hell is happening here?

My anxiety spikes with each word Kyra speaks. This is an orchestrated play, but I have no fucking clue what her endgame is. Why would she trap Greer and fill her head with lies, when Greer has nothing to do with the final decision?

Then it hits me. Dad’s words slam around in my head. Greer was onstage with her father. They arrived together, and anyone watching could figure out who she is. Kyra is a manipulator. She scouted Greer with hopes to get into her head.

“He sounds like a talented man.”

“Oh, he is. Like I said, he’s the best. Hopefully, he’ll be here soon.”

“Well, I’m not sure if anyone told you, but unless you know his work intimately, you will have a hard time. The names of the firms are not identified with the designs.”

“Oh, I think I’ll recognize his.”

Jenny and Bessie enter back into the room and stop dead when they see Kyra.

“No one is supposed to be in here. This is a closed viewing until after the dinner.” Jenny squares her shoulders and goes to Greer’s side protectively.

Bessie does the same.

“I’m sorry, I guess I should leave then.” Kyra gives a dramatic pause, eyeing Greer.

“The room will be open after dinner,” Jenny repeats coolly.

“Yes, of course. Please, forgive me for interrupting.” Kyra’s lips tip in a satisfied smirk as she sashays out the door.

“That woman was sleazy. What did she say to you?” Bessie asks Greer.

“Nothing special, but something didn?

??t sit well with me. It was like she was purposely sharing information for my sake.”

“Ugh! We are not leaving you alone for the rest of the night. She’s a vulture, and there’s a whole room full of them. Kevin will lose his mind if he knows she approached you.”

“We’re not telling him,” Greer says decisively. “Now, we need to get back.”

I watch helplessly as they leave and my chance at getting to Greer disappears with them.

“What do you want to do?” Clay mutters.

“We have to get into that room unseen. I need to have eyes on Greer. I’ll text Jenny to have Greer call me. When she leaves the room to make the call, I’ll be right there.”

“I’m not sure why we didn’t do that from the beginning.”

“Because the last thing I wanted was to bring Jenny into this mess.”

He shakes his head but keeps any further comments to himself.

I lead us through the back again, this time running into the wait staff, who are ready to serve the first course. We get a few sideways glances, but no one says anything as we make our way to the main ballroom and find a dark corner at the side of the stage.