Page 83 of Fat Cat Liar

“You tired, Lawson? You look drained,” Grandpa asks, his features filled with concern.

“Of course he’s tired! He’s spent months working vigorously. It hasn’t gone unnoticed all the time you’ve sunk into this. I know you spent the entirety of last weekend here, and all that dedication shows in your final product,” Rob answers for me.

“Doing my job,” I respond without emotion. Usually, the satisfaction and praise would boost my over-inflated confidence to new levels. The arrogant bastard from a few months ago would rear to the surface with a cocky comeback, demanding an apology. Today, I can’t find the energy to even muster a smile.

“I think I have just the thing to lift your spirits,” Rob announces a little cheerily.

When I peer at him, his face is lit with excitement. “What’s that?”

“I’d assume, because you’ve been occupied within the confounds of this building plus the work you put in from home, that your social life has taken a hit. As of today, I’m lifting the fraternization ban. Go find Kyra. See if she’ll help relieve some of your stress.”

I swallow the bile rising up my throat at the same time my dad grumbles. Clay lets out a low whistle. I haven’t thought of Kyra in forever; since the day in the break room when she cornered me, she’s been non-existent.

Greer’s face fills my mind, and I know what I have to do. I straighten my shoulders and paste a fake grin on my face. “Actually, I have no interest in Kyra, at all. But I am going to take a few days to myself, starting now.”

“Well deserved.” Rob shakes his head in approval as if I was actually asking permission.

I clap my dad on the shoulder and look at Clay with a message that says ‘we’ll talk later’. He nods and I go to the door, looking back at the men of my family and seeing a huge contrast in expressions.

Rob and grandpa beam with pride, while Dad and Clay watch me worriedly. They know who I’m thinking of right now, and Dad’s eyes are pleading with me to come clean to Greer, to stop the lies.

I lift my hand in a half-hearted wave and leave them standing without another word. My mission is clear.

I’m going to get Greer…


“Incredible,” Greer whispers in awe, her eyes darting rapidly around.

Pride like I’ve never experienced surges through my system at her appraisal. “I built it,” I tell her.

She stops and whips her head to mine, her eyes bulging. “You built this?”

“Me, my dad, Clay, and a small crew. It was my dad’s idea. Mom loved this quaint little town, and he wanted her to have a piece of it. So, one summer, we busted our asses and had it completed in time for fall. She was in on the plans, but we didn’t allow her to see it until completion. I still remember the first time she walked through the door. Her expression was exactly like yours right now.”

“Oh, Lawson, it’s so beautiful.” Her voice cracks, and conflicting emotions wash over her face. It’s easy to read that she’s thinking about the memories this house holds for my family, similar to how her Hamptons home does the same for her.

I’m at her side in an instant, drawing her into my arms and brushing my lips along her hairline. “Don’t get sad. I wanted to share this with you.”

“I’m so glad you did. When you mentioned a weekend getaway at your cabin in New Haven, I had no idea what to expect.”

“Expect to be spoiled, lavished, and devoured.” I circle her hips and urge her to hop up. She complies, wrapping her arms and legs around my waist and shoulders, and dropping her mouth to mine for a brief kiss.

“Tell me about the house.” The curiosity in her voice hits me in the gut, another reminder of how perfect this woman is for me.

Truth is, I could spend hours talking about this house. To this day, it is my favorite design and build. Being here brings me back to reality, before I was so hungry for success, money, and notoriety.

The arrogance.

The egotism.

The conceit.

All of it consumed me to the point of such superficial vanity and led me down a path of self-destruction.

I’m not that man anymore. This woman in my arms changed everything.

“Look around, baby. Completely open concept. Kitchen, living area, and dining room all together. That stone fireplace was a bitch, but it was the centerpiece of the whole place.” I take a few steps into the middle of the room.