Page 81 of Fat Cat Liar

“We all are. Kevin gave us internships. It was a guaranteed job offer to have a letter of recommendation from him.”

“Except for me,” Jenny clarifies. “I did do an internship, but my path was a little harder. He made sure I had the funds to continue on with my education.”

“Sounds like an incredible man. I can’t wait to meet him.”

There are nods around the table in agreement, and the conversation changes. Lawson’s heart races so fast I can feel it against my arm pinned between us. I try to think of something to break the tension and make him comfortable again. Shifting in his lap so I’m facing him completely, my hands move to cup his cheeks, gently scratching his stubble.

“I’ve changed my mind. No trivia. You’re an automatic winner. I’ll give you a weekend of nakedness and servitude as long as you promise to wear your glasses the entire time.”

He drops his eyes to my lips, and when he raises them back to mine, they are filled with hunger. “That can be arranged.”

I plant a quick kiss on his lips and swallow hard, finding my courage.

“Don’t worry about Dad. He’s going to like you, especially when he discovers how crazy I am about you.”

I barely see his grin before he crashes his mouth to mine, holding me tightly to him.

Chapter 16


I storm into Clay’s office without knocking, catching him completely off-guard.

“You have to help me. This has gone on too long. I’m in too deep,” I semi-shout, pacing in a circle and yanking at my hair. “I need out. I need out NOW!”

His eyes are trained on me, growing wider by the second. He opens his mouth, but I cut him off briskly.

“Tell me my bonuses, pension, and stock options. I need to get my money and go. I can’t be tied to Morris C&D when the bid goes live.”


“Don’t try to talk me out of this. I need to know how much money I have to start over, build a new life with Greer. She can’t ever find out.”

He stands, circling his desk, and gives me a hard look. “Lawson—”

“Don’t Lawson me! Get back to your computer, do your fancy fucking spreadsheet, and tell me how much money I have!”

I’m totally crazy. After last night, I can’t take any chance of losing her. Career be damned. The executive title can kiss my ass. Nothing means more than her. Without reservation, I launch into an explanation.

“I not only misjudged her; I severely underestimated the power she has over me. It was a mistake to go after her. All of it was a huge mistake, but now, I can’t tell her who I am or how we met, because she’ll never believe how much I love her. You have to help me get out from under this mess.”

He slices his eyes to the side, his face going to stone. I still, pivoting to find my dad standing in the entry to Clay’s small conference room.

My heartbeat races in overdrive at the expression on Dad’s face.

“Joshua, what is going on?”

I wait for the lies to form in my head, but the deception is eating me up inside. My knees go weak, and I drop into the nearest chair, scrubbing my hands over my face.

“I’ve fucked up.”

Similar to the purge in my apartment that day with Clay, I unload everything, covering my outrage over her going away last weekend and leading up to what I learned last night about the industry dinner next week. When I’m done, both are staring at me with a mix of disbelief and rage. Dad’s jaw is set hard, his arms crossed over his chest. Clay is now sitting behind his desk in a similar stance.

“Why?” Dad bites out.

“I thought it would be a sure-fire way to learn about Kevin—”

“I got all that during your explanation. You were a career climbing asshole! But tell me why you didn’t tell her the truth when you had the chance? Or, better yet, why you think cutting all ties with the family business is going to change anything. You’re still a liar, a cheat, and basically put her into a path of destruction when this all comes out!”