Page 69 of Fat Cat Liar

“Let’s get back to the subject at hand. We were discussing why Little G has kept Lawson in the dark about her life.”

“I wouldn’t say I’ve kept him in the dark. I’ve chosen to leave out some details.”

“Like how you graduated from one of the top universities in the country with honors?”

“Or how you’re brilliant and are courted by headhunters all over the world because of your knowledge of Urban and Environmental Engineering?”

“Or that you are on first name basis with Bill Gates and Kate Middleton?”

“That you have an island named after you off the coast of Belize?”

They fire off questions, one after the other until I’ve had enough. “You all can stop now. Don’t you hear yourselves? I sound like a spoiled, rich, princess. I didn’t want to scare him off,” I defend.

“I have to admit, it is a little much. Maybe you should start with small details.” Dad rubs his hands up and down my back reassuringly. “But you should at least start the conversation. And, for the record, I want him to think you’re a princess.”

“Daddy.” His eyes soften and start to shine at my term of endearment.

“Greer, it’s times like these I wish your mom would have given me pointers.”

“You don’t need advice. You’re doing perfectly.”

“That’s so sweet.” Jenny sniffs with moisture building in her eyes.

“Stop that. We’re all too exhausted to start with tears.” Bessie nudges her elbow.

“Why are you all out here? I thought everyone was going to bed.”

“I’m out here because I knew Kevin was going to talk to you and I wanted to provide moral support.” Enrique grins at Dad.

“I’m here because I’m crashing on the sofa and you fools decided to have a heart to heart at seven in the morning.” Jonas groans.

“We’re here because your phone is going berserk. Dinging like crazy. They’re all from Lawson. Thought you may want to know,” Jenny informs me.

I glance at my watch and realize it’s been thirteen hours since he abruptly hung up on me. Before getting started on our brainstorming session, I intentionally left my phone in my bag. The temptation to check it every two minutes would be too easy and I needed to focus.

“I’ll turn it off.”

“He scores a point with me for persistence.” Dad kisses my head and steps away. “The sap in me says to go call him back, but the father in me says to let him wallow in his misery a little longer.”

“I’ll see what his messages say and make my decision.” I half-wave to everyone and head to my room. Bessie and Jenny follow behind me.

My phone shows a dozen missed calls and the same amount of texts. I scroll through them, my heart swelling at each apology. The last one came in a few minutes ago.

I acted like an asshole. There’s no excuse for my behavior. I decided to work through the night. My bed was empty and cold without you. You’re probably still asleep, but please call me when you wake up. I need to hear your voice.

“We’re going to sleep in another guest room. You need some privacy to call him back.” Jenny squeezes my shoulder, and they leave me alone.

I quickly change into pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, then crawl into bed and call him back.

“Greer,” he answers before it fully rings.

“Hi, Lawson.”

“Tell me you forgive me. I flipped out on you for no reason.”

“You had your reasons. My friends and Dad brought some clarity to our situation.”

“What exactly is our situation? What kind of clarity?”