Page 51 of Fat Cat Liar

“I got to where I was going, and it didn’t feel right. So, I came back to you.”

“You came back to me?” Her voice is muffled in my sweater, the heat of her breath hitting my chest.

My heart races for a new reason. Just having her close calms me.

“I’m sorry I left you.”

She loosens herself from my hold and tilts her face to mine. “You were going out with your friends. Why are you sorry?”

“Because I was a dick.”

“I’ll admit you were a little abrupt, but—”

I place a finger on her lips to hush her and place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Trust me when I say I’m sorry.”

“Why does that put me on edge? You’re acting cagey tonight. Did something happen while you were out?”

“Sure as shit did.” I let out a throaty chuckle. “I realized I am completely enamored with a certain blonde, and I’d rather be here than anywhere else in this city. Not to mention, tomorrow’s Sunday. Sunday is our day, and I’m not waking up without you.”

She studies my face, her eyes sizing me up, searching for answers to my mercurial behavior. I drop my finger from her lips, curling my hand around the back of her neck, and squeeze lightly.

She smiles…

That damn smile…

The captivating beam that causes my heart to stop and speed at the same time.

“Well, I poured a glass of wine and was ready to settle down with a movie. Since you’re here, you can pick the movie.”

“Can we do that at my place? I want you in my bed tonight.”

“Sure, let me grab some things. I can meet you there in a few minutes,” she offers.

“I’ll wait. I’m not leaving you again tonight.”

“Now, you’re being ridiculous again.”

I shrug, letting her go and swatting her ass playfully. “Get your things and let’s go. I have wine at my place.”

She rolls her eyes and steps away, going in the direction of her bedroom. When she’s out of view, I run my hands through my hair and breathe out a huge sigh.

If she thinks I’m ridiculous, it’s okay. Because what she doesn’t know, and never will, is that I’m serious. I’m not walking out that door again tonight without her.

I did it once.

And it almost killed me.

Chapter 11


“I think you missed a little right here.” Lawson swipes his thumb across the corner of my lip and brings it to his mouth, licking the syrup away.

My stomach spasms at the small gesture as it does every time he touches me. Even a simple brush of his hand can send a ripple shooting through


“Shit,” he growls.