Page 35 of Fat Cat Liar

“Testing for what?” Lawson sounds a little shaken.

“Proteins, vitamins, minerals, all sorts of different variables.”

“And then what?”

“We report our findings to the Pharma department,” Enrique tells him.

“That’s where my area is.” Jenny joins in the conversation. “The breakdown of the elements will help the doctors and pharmacists.”

“Help them what?”

“It’s a thesis theory recently approved for funding. A grad student at John’s Hopkins worked relentlessly for two years with some incredibly talented doctors and advisors to suggest that the elements found in semen could potentially have natural medical healing embedded in the liquid. I think my department will be working on a compound geared toward skin diseases. If proven, this could become one of the most talked about studies in the world.”

I smile proudly at Jenny, knowing she’s going to be one of the doctors assigned to this. Then I flash the same look to all of them, knowing how excited they must be.

“Holy fucking shit,” Lawson mutters in disbelief. “Who’d have thought working with semen could be so important?”

“Did I forget to mention my friends are brilliant?” I lean into him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

He still looks a little shocked, but his eyes shine. “One of these days, I really want the story how all of you got together.”

“One of these days, I’ll tell you.” I lean in and run my lips across his.

One of these days…

Chapter 8


My mind spins out of control as I replay the events of the night. Watching Greer and her friends in action as they pounded their competition was entertaining. If anyone would have told me a month ago I’d spend a Saturday night with a bunch of self-proclaimed nerds, and actually enjoy it, I’d have labeled them crazy. Truthfully, it was the most fun I’d had in a while. An added bonus was Enrique finally looking at me without his usual scowl of distrust.

More than the trivia, though, is the way those four factor into the equation. Is it just a huge coincidence Greer’s best friends are lab rats and her father is building a revolutionary research and development facility, or is it happenstance? Jenny tests condoms, and the two guys are going to spend their days extracting sperm from semen so doctors can analyze the residual liquid left behind. Who knows what Bessie does? She may be the receptionist for all I know.

Thoughts of her friends fly out of my head as Greer changes her position, throwing her thigh over my hip and snuggling in closer. My dick jerks at the movement, completely in tune with her every touch. Another reminder that, since our first kiss on the rooftop, she has a power over me I never knew was possible. The wisp of her breath coats my neck, and my body comes alive.

I know it’s time to move, go across the hall and take care of this aching in my cock, then go to bed alone.

“Greer, wake up.” I jostle her gently but get no response. She’s sleeping so peacefully; maybe I can untangle her and slip out.

I get one leg on the floor when she stirs. “Don’t go.” She clutches onto my sweater.

“It’s late. I’ll carry you to bed before I leave.” I try to ease my hand around her back at the same she lifts up, tightening her thigh on my waist.

“Don’t go,” she repeats. “I want you to stay.”

“Baby, you’re half asleep.”

“No, I’m not.” She shakes her head and looks at me with clear eyes. Then she leans in, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth and running her tongue over my top one. “Stay with me,” she mumbles, pressing her chest into mine. Her nipples poke through her shirt and the temptation becomes too much.

I pull her waist forward, situating her on top, and shift us to a sitting position so she has no choice but to straddle me. “Do you feel that?” I thrust my hips so she can’t miss the bulge.

She grinds down on me, fisting her hands in my hair. “That’s exactly why you shouldn’t leave.”

“Greer, you should stop.” I slide my hands to her ass to stop her, but it’s no use. She continues to rock.

“Every night you kiss me until I’m breathless, then leave me to take care of myself.”

Holy shit, the image of her touching herself sends my blood rushing to my already throbbing cock.