Page 31 of Fat Cat Liar

“He’s been a delight because he’s into you. Big time.”

“He’s a natural flirt, that’s all.”

She whips her face to mine and scrunches her eyes. “You’re kidding, right? He’s totally trying to impress you.”

“It’s his job to be charming. I’ve been around men like him all my life.”

“No offense, but you’re blind. You gave him any sign, I’d bet my first paycheck he’d ask you out tonight.”

“Too bad I have plans tonight.”

She sighs and a dreamy expression fills her face. “You are my idol. I’d have a hard time choosing between La

wson and Greyson, too.”

There’s no chance to reply when Greyson steps out of the dressing room in the cobalt blue suit that sculpts to his body. He saunters our way, looking every bit a runway model.

I motion for him to stand in front of the three-way mirror and start the process of inspecting its fit. When I get to the waistline, I squat in front of him and run my fingers inside the waistline along his hips to check for needed modifications. Greyson lowers his eyes to mine, cocking an eyebrow suggestively.

A deep, husky growl resembling a large animal rumbles from somewhere in the department. I jerk my head, looking for the culprit, and find Lawson standing a few feet away. His feet are planted, his arms crossed, and there’s a fire of righteousness brewing behind the lenses of his glasses. Goosebumps break out on my arms and chest at the brutality in his expression. He’s looking between Grayson and me with a murderous glare.

“Hi, Lawson,” Haley chirps, not deterred by his mood.

“Haley,” he clips.

Greyson adjusts his stance, his abdominal muscles tensing against the back of my fingers.

I rip my hands back so fast, I lose my balance and land on my butt. Haley giggles as my face flames. Greyson bends to help me, but Lawson is at my side in an instant, lifting me off the ground and pressing my body close.

“Are you okay?’ His features soften, his eyes roaming over my face.

“I’m okay, embarrassed but okay. What are you doing here?”

“Was in the area.”

I narrow my eyes in suspicion at the way his lips twitch. I’m about to question him further until Greyson clears his throat, reminding me I have an audience.

I try to step away, but Lawson only allows me a few inches, encircling my waist with his arm possessively.

Haley dips her head right before her shoulders start to jiggle as she covers her mouth to disguise her laughter.

“Lawson Hall.” He reaches out a hand, which Greyson takes with confidence.

“Grayson Lynch.”

“Recognize you from the T.V.”

“I take it you’re not a client of Greer’s.”

Lawson shakes his head. The playful mood from earlier vanishes as Grayson and Lawson have a silent showdown while clutching each other’s hands. My stomach takes a dive when Grayson’s face goes hard and he lets go.

Testosterone fills the space between us, and I find myself at a loss for words. Luckily, Haley straightens and comes up behind Greyson, running her hand along his shoulders.

“This is a beautiful suit on you. I can’t wait to see what Greer comes up with for the whole ensemble.”

The tension lifts, and I pry away from Lawson, going to the lounger and gathering the shirts and ties I chose.

“Here are a few of our choices.” I drape several ties over his shoulders and slide the corresponding shirts underneath the jacket to give him an idea.