Page 137 of Fat Cat Liar


If it wasn’t for the smile on Greer’s face and the vibration of her giggles against my side, I’d be royally fucking pissed off.

Dad and Clay have wasted no opportunity to steer the conversation to every embarrassing story of my life, embellishing details to the point of ridiculousness. Kevin looks pleased with my discomfort, while Greer finds it all hilarious.

I sip my beer quietly, trying to ignore them and figure out a way to shut this down before it gets out of control. While everyone enjoys a good laugh, it’s not as fun being on the receiving end.

My mind tunes them out and drifts back to the afternoon. Once Kevin made sure Dad and Clay were comfortable, he excused himself to his office. Greer joined him to go over the project plans the Herd had been working on. She gave me the keys to the golf cart and told me to show them around.

As soon as we were alone, the grilling began. I questioned how and why they were here, and they explained Greer’s messages started the night I moved into the house. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, insisting they come for Christmas and keep it a secret.

She actually extended the invitation to my whole family, but Dad was able to convince her that Uncle Rob and Grandpa had other plans.

When we got to the cabin on the campsite, the tides turned. Clay laid into me first.

“You want to tell me what the ever-living fuck is going on here?”

“What do you want to know?”

“How is it possible for so much to change in such a short time? Your crazy ass chases her to live as a vagabond and take any scraps she’ll throw your way. Now, you’re living large in a mansion on the ocean in the Hamptons. You two are kissing, holding hands, making googly-eyes, and acting like a pair of teenagers. I showed up expecting the broody, pathetic, useless in-love brother of mine to be shivering in a shack.”

“I told you I was fine and we were spending time together.”

“You neglected to mention the state of your relationship had taken a colossal swing.”

I shift uncomfortably. “She wants to take things slow.”

“I think that’s a good idea. Hopefully, you’re respecting that,” Dad chimed in.

“As much as I can. If I had it my way, we’d be a lot further in our reconciliation right now.”

“I think taking things slow is a reasonable request. She’s in unknown territory right now with the pregnancy hormones. One look at the woman and it’s obvious she’s in love with you, too, but give her all the time she needs before you press her for more,” Dad suggested.

“I’m doing my best. But a word to the wise, don’t

ever let her hear you mention pregnancy hormones.”

They raised their eyebrows with curiosity, and I launched into the scene in the office today between Greer and Enrique. Then I told them about my own confrontation.

“I have to say, he’s right about one thing. You may not be outright lying about knowing about the baby, but there is a little fact of lying by omission.”

“I have a plan.”

“Oh shit, it’s your turn to babysit when he fucks up this time,” Clay told Dad.

“Not sure this old man’s back can handle his sofa,” Dad returned, stretching dramatically.

“Your back is the least of your worries. Think about twenty-four-seven jail watch. Or worse, Kevin’s already threatened to kill him once.”

“Didn’t think about that. Guess I need to get some money on hand for bail if needed.”

I listened to their annoying banter until I couldn’t take anymore. “Glad you two comedians find this humorous,” I said flatly.

“We’re happy for you, Lawson.” Dad clapped me on the shoulder with a broad smile. “Don’t fuck this up… again.”

Greer cozies closer, laying a hand on my stomach and bringing me out of my thoughts. She looks up, and I realize the room is watching me.

“Did you hear me?” she asks softly.