Page 126 of Fat Cat Liar

“No? You’re freezing.”

“This situation is out of control.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lawson, you’re living in the woods. You’re shirking responsibilities to your family and your business. I’m not going to allow it anymore. You’re coming up to the house.”

“I don’t think—”

“No arguments. There is plenty of room. The house is fully equipped to handle power outages and has a cell tower with range to cover the entire property. You can sleep in a proper bed with central heat, you can eat a decent meal, and you can work without the risk of crashing your truck on the way to the coffee shop.”

Her attitude has done a complete three-sixty from seconds ago, and this time, I lose the fight to hide my grin. “You inviting me to the palace?”

“I’m not inviting, I’m commanding. You hijacked my golf cart, and I was forced to borrow someone’s car to get to you.”

“You stole a car?”

“Borrowed,” she clarifies.

“Do your friends know you’re here?”

She casts a glance over my shoulder, to the ceiling, around the room, anywhere to avoid my eyes.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

“I didn’t actually tell them, but I’m sure they’ve figured it out by now. We took a break to refresh our brains and get ready for dinner.”

“What you’re saying is you snuck out, stole a car from someone who works for you, and drove in the storm to come here?”

She nods, finally making eye contact. “I was worried.”

A range of emotions claws at me from the inside, threatening to detonate. Her admission means so much more than she could imagine. My mind and body go into a battle: wanting to hold her so tight and never let her go, and wanting to throw her across the bed, rip off her clothes, and sink deep into her until she’s screaming my name.

The air in the room changes, heating with my thoughts. She scans my face and starts to squirm, trying to put space between us. I clasp her hips to hold her still and place my lips on hers.

“I’ll follow you home and stay if you promise me to never be so reckless again.”

“I wasn’t reck—”

I shut her up by slipping my tongue into her mouth and tangling it with her own. She tilts her head to give me better access, and I groan when she adjusts her position on my lap, rubbing roughly against the growing bulge in my jeans.

Her giggles break the kiss, and she pulls away, moving her hands to cup my cheeks. “Your beard has a tendency to leave marks, and I don’t think that’s a good idea right before you face the firing squad.”

“I disagree, it’s a terrific idea.” I try to close in again, but she leans further back.

“Slow pace, remember? You agreed.”

“I was a dumbass. And let’s be honest, we’ve never done slow very well.”

Her giggle turns into a full laugh as her face lights up with humor. “Let’s get your things.”

She rolls off my lap and I reluctantly let her go.

“How much should I bring?”

“Everything. Pack everything.” Her eyes shine brightly, all the stress from earlier gone, her face now glowing.

My heart speeds, and I bolt up, yanking her back into my arms. “I love you, Greer Elizabeth Palmer.”