Page 123 of Fat Cat Liar

“My dad left for the city early this morning. He has some business to wrap up before Christmas.”

“I saw his helicopter leaving this morning when I went for a run,” I explain, losing patience. “What does that have to do with our plans?”

“He called an hour ago, needing some help. He’s sending over the specs right now for me to review.”

My tension eases immediately. “He needs you to work. I understand that. We can reschedule for dinner.”

Guilt fills her face, and an uneasy feeling settles in my stomach.

“He needs the whole Nerd Herd on this project. He’s arranged for everyone to be flown out here for the next few days, and theywillbeheresoon.” She blurts the last bit so fast, I barely comprehend. Then it makes sense.

Kevin fucking Palmer. Sly son of a bitch.

“Did you tell your dad we were having lunch today?”

She nods.

“And I guess he knows you’ve been visiting me here the last few days?”

Her eyebrows scrunch as she nods again.

“Got to give it to your dad. He’s clever.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Put it together, baby. He’s away for a few days, leaving you alone with me less than a mile away, knowing I’m not going anywhere. He called in reinforcements. Those reinforcements most likely want to see me dead. Kevin’s laying down a challenge.”

“Are you insinuating Dad’s trying to—”

“Yes,” I cut her off.

“That’s ridiculous! He wouldn’t do


I quirk an eyebrow and watch her face, waiting for her to get it. As soon as realization dawns on her, her eyes light on fire. She drops her hands from my cheeks and pushes against my chest. “Let me down! I’m calling him right now!”

I place her on her feet, keeping her close, and start to chuckle. “You’re not calling him.”

“Oh, yes, I am. And he better hope to God you’re wrong.” She squirms to get out of my hold.

“Baby.” I tip her chin to bring her attention back to me. “It thrills me to see you getting fired up, but I expected this.”

She stops moving and her eyes grow wide. “You did?”

“Maybe not this exact circumstance, but I knew he wasn’t going to make this easy on me.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“He’s probably the only person in this world who loves you as much as I do. He may have a soft side, but it’s not a weakness.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. He promised not to meddle in my life anymore.”

“Did you believe him?” I question her gently.

“Of course, he’s my dad.”

“That’s exactly why he’s meddling. I have a lot to prove, not only to you, but to him, your friends, and anyone in your life. He doesn’t intimidate me, Greer. Let him throw every test my way because I will pass each obstacle. Failure is not an option when it comes to you.”