Page 112 of Fat Cat Liar

“I’ll save you the trouble of coming to me.” Kevin Palmer stands in the doorway with his hard, sharp eyes aimed directly at me. There’s an undeniable force of power radiating from him.

I’m momentarily shocked silent until Clay stands abruptly, nudging me in the process. I do the same, swallowing hard, when I spot the security guard flanking his side.


Kevin steps inside, his authoritative presence immediately consuming the space in the conference room. He stops at the head of the table, waiting.

I bravely go to him, holding out a hand. “Lawson Hall.” My introduction comes out scratchy, my throat completely dry.

His eyes dip to my hand and return to mine in disgust. “I know exactly who you are.”

I lower my hand, retreating a few steps as my anxiety builds. Not too many people can intimidate me; usually, I don’t give a shit enough to care what people think. But Kevin Palmer matters.

I let his words hang in the air, forcing myself to hold his gaze. His expression is cold and emotionless. I catch a small flinch, followed by a twitch in one eyelid. Then I see it. Behind his hard exterior is a man worried about his daughter.

“Mr. Palmer, would you like to sit down?” I gesture to the chairs.

“I’d like to speak to you in private,” he responds flatly.

Stan grumbles, cocking a hand to his hip, revealing his firearm. Clay coughs, clearing his throat nervously.

Kevin glances over his shoulder, and a wicked grin spreads across his lips when he turns his attention back to me.

“Don’t worry, Lawson, I’m not going to kill you.”

An uncomfortable feeling stirs in my stomach, but I bite my cheek to hide my reaction.

“Follow me.” I sidestep him, and Stan growls when I brush past his shoulder.

On the way to my office, I mentally prepare for what is sure to be an ugly scene. Kevin Palmer loves his daughter, and if his expression from earlier is anything to go by, he despises me. This is a calculated play on his part. I’m not sure what Greer told him, but a man like him knows that by showing here, he’s got me trapped.

He has the upper hand.

I have to think fast on how to handle this situation and hope Stan isn’t here to beat my ass again.

“Lawson, the deliveries should start arriving

in a few minutes.” Janice’s voice fades when she sees the two men behind me.

“Janice, hold all calls, visitors, and under no circumstances let anyone into my office.”

She nods, her face now pale and full of concern.

“Wait here,” Kevin instructs Stan and closes the door behind us.

I stand uncomfortably in the middle of my office as Kevin slowly makes his way around, paying special attention to the articles and plaques on the walls. When he rounds my desk, he picks up the frame of Greer and me from the camping trip. It’s one of my favorites. She’s wearing my sweatshirt and sitting in my lap. Her legs are curled with mine, and she’s laughing as I whisper something in her ear. It seems like a lifetime ago.

“She’s pretty all the time, but when she laughs, it takes her radiance to a new level,” he says to the picture.

“Greer is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

He places the frame down and looks at the bar in the corner. “Are you going to offer me a drink?”

“I got the impression this isn’t a social call.”

“You’re right, but I’ll take a bourbon.”

I move to the bar, pour us both a highball, and reach out to hand his to him. He’s now propped on the edge of my desk, back to staring at me. He gulps the liquid down in one sip and doesn’t flinch at the burn.