Page 106 of Fat Cat Liar

“Mmmhmm,” he mumbles.

“Her glow was gone, but she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Mmmhmm,” he repeats.

We ride quietly the rest of the way to my building until he pulls into a parking space. He releases his seatbelt and faces me with an intensity I’ve never seen before.

“I get it now. Every bit of it. I went to see her before coming to get you. What you saw must have been like looking in a mirror. Both of you are drowning. Lawson, the woman was a mess. Almost inconsolable. She collapsed into my chest, trembling so hard my arms were shaking. She begged for me to get you out of there and get you medical attention, scaring the shit out of me. Sure, you are banged up, but I thought I was walking into a warzone the way she explained it.”

“I’m fine.”

“I know that, but she didn’t. Like I said, I get it now. You said you’d give up everything for her, but I didn’t realize how far you’d go. If she chose to press charges, you’d be sitting in a jail cell right now. Your life as you know it would be altered forever. She wasn’t going to let that happen, but this shit has to stop now. We have to get you to a better place, because now, I’m the one scared.”

“You’re being dramatic.”

“You started a brawl with an ex-Seal in Greer’s office while she was forced to witness you getting your ass kicked!”

I don’t reply.

“She’s not that kind of woman, Lawson. You can’t do that again. It’s bad enough you’re deteriorating to the point of unrecognizable, but that woman deserves so much more. You want her back; I know that. But this is not the way to go about it. You’ve become obsessed.”

“I’ve already told you that.”

“Well, you’ve also lost your mind. Now, I’m taking over.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means I’m coming upstairs with you and staying for as long as it takes to convince me you aren’t going off the rails again. You’ve had your hissy fit, and now, it’s time to act like a man. I’ve tried compassion, sympathy, and understanding, but none of it is getting through. It’s time for tough love. I’m not going to sit back, watch you deteriorate and throw away your life.”

“Fuck off.” Irritation stirs in my gut at his term ‘hissy fit’.

He chuckles, spiking my aggravation more.

“You’re not in a position to start a fight with me. You don’t like my plan, but I don’t give a shit. Maybe start acting like a rational human again and I’ll back off.” He gets out of his truck and opens the back cab-door, lugging out a suitcase.

“What the fuck is all that?”

“You just got a roommate for the foreseeable future.” He slams the door and starts toward the elevator.

Dammit to hell. I slowly get out of the truck, holding my side. The events of the afternoon come racing back to me. As much as I hate to admit it, Clay’s right about one thing.

It’s time to change strategies.

Chapter 21


I walk mindlessly through the accessories section, pretending to listen to Jenny and Bessie as they chat about their upcoming company party. It’s a tradition that I help dress them for the event. Usually, it’s one of my favorite things every holiday season, but today is different.

There’s nothing.

No excitement.

No enthusiasm.

No energy.

As hard as I try, my focus is absent.