Page 100 of Fat Cat Liar

“Greer, please, slow down. Stop this,” he soothes. The softness threatens to penetrate the anguish.

I draw back to face him. “Either you fuck me or get the hell out.”

Understanding falls over his features, and he rams into me roughly. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes!” I yell.

He drives into me over and over until I lose myself in the feelings rippling through me. My fingernails score along his shoulder blades, feeling the skin tearing underneath. He hitches me up, hitting me so deep I whimper.

Then we’re moving, him balancing me as I clutch to hold on. A small sense of panic sets in when we enter my room. Being in here is too much. It’s too intimate, holds too many memories of better times.

Times when I thought we had a future, a foundation that would lead to more.


It was all lies!

Realization seeps in, but I push it away, determined to stay in the zone.

I claw harder. Even when my back hits the bed, I don’t ease up.

“Greer, stop!” Lawson’s sharp bark does little to stop me. “Look at me!” His command is so strong, I open my eyes and bite my tongue to keep from crying at the raw apprehension in his expression.

“Baby…” he starts.

I unlatch my death grip on his waist, my legs falling to the side, the shoes clanking to the floor. In a swift move, I scramble away, rolling to my stomach and perching my ass in the air. “Fuck me,” I repeat, again, glaring over my shoulder and provoking him.

I see it as it happens. His control slips, his eyes building with a fire that tells me I’ve finally sunk in. He grabs my hips, crawls onto the bed, and pummels into me with such ferocity that I feel him everywhere.

My toes curl… my body quakes… my mind clears…

Every bone in my body quivers with each thrust. It’s coming, building from the depths inside me, and I know I’m going to shatter when it hits. His hand slides around my hipbone, down my crease, and finds my clit, circling gently.

I erupt, yelling into the room as every nerve ending tingles and my heart feels like it’s going to race out of my chest.

He keeps going, pumping until one orgasm turns into two… into three… I can’t stop trembling, taking his attack.

“Don’t stop.” It’s a desperate plea.

He thunders into me from behind, driving relentlessly. My head starts to spin, and I grow dizzy, clutching the comforter and writhing against his ruthless brutality. The sounds of heavy breathing and skin slapping echoes around my room, but unlike so many times before, the noises aren’t filled with passion and unbridled desire. Tonight, they are a void, neither of us climbing to the edge as one.

The means to an end.

Our end.

r /> I throw my head back, pressing into him with a punishing rhythm, using him for one last piece of ecstasy. Every muscle in my body constricts, spasms taking over as I splinter apart, giving myself to him once more.

He growls his own release, my sensitive walls feeling his dick grow, twitch, pulse, and release inside. He slows, his hand sliding from my clit, up my stomach, and stopping at my heart. He presses his weight along my body as he lowers over me, kissing along my back.

I squeeze my eyes tight, one tear escaping, and I wipe my cheek against my comforter. He expertly curls around me, twisting us into the spooning position, and yanking the covers over us.

His chest heaves against my back, his own heart beating erratically. “Did I hurt you?” he asks into my hair.


“Never again, Greer. Don’t do that to me ever again.” He starts kissing my hairline.

“Okay,” I offer, spent and emotionless.