Page 156 of Fat Cat Liar

“Dry fucking you against the bookcase is your form of a distraction?”

“It wasn’t planned, but I had to think of something quick. You were getting way too curious.”

“I’m not following you, but right now, all I want is you naked.” I decide we’ll get to the bottom of this later after I’ve fucked her on the sofa.

Right as I turn, the doorbell rings and I freeze. “Don’t these motherfuckers have jobs? It’s the middle of the day. I don’t care who the hell it is, they are not coming in this house.”

“Lawson, I’m expecting a delivery. Calm down.” She tries to hop out of my arms.

“No fucking way you are answering the door looking like you do.”

“Well, there’s no way you can answer it.” She makes her point by bouncing on my rock-hard cock.

“I’m coming with you.” I reluctantly let her down and plaster myself to her side, dragging her to the door.

The delivery guy takes one look at us and hurriedly hands over the package, leaving without a word.

Greer spins to me, her eyes now twinkling as she holds the box to her chest. “I have a surprise for you.”

Before I can respond, she’s dragging me down the hall on the other side of the kitchen that leads to the only unfinished part of the house. The area is sealed off with a temporary construction wall until she decides what she wants to do with the space.

I look between her and the wall skeptically. “What’s going on?”

“The wall is coming down today.”

“Have you decided what to do in here?”

She nods, her face begins to beam. “Open the door.”

I do as she asks, lights coming on as we enter. The area has been transformed into a studio space similar to Greer’s office at Blakely’s. There’s a table against a wall with her computer station, a large hanging rack already lined with clothes in the corner next to a three-way mirror, and accessories cover the surface of another smaller table to the side.

The room is large but not nearly the square footage of the space. It’s then I notice the enormous barn door hanging on the far wall.

“Obviously, this is mine, but I think you’ll like what’s on the other side,” she says softly.

My first thought is a separate nursery. Somewhere for Jade to play while Greer works so she can still be close. My feet move, taking me to the door, knowing my baby girl will have only the best. When I slide it open, all the air rushes out of my lungs and my legs threaten to give out.

It’s not a princess room, decked out in sparkles and shine. It’s masculine and powerful, outfitted in everything I could ever need. A drawing table is placed against the wall under the large window, giving it perfect light. More bookshelves are already filled with binders I recognize as my own. The room is a contrast to Greer’s office, yet it flows perfectly.

“How did you do this?” I finally find my voice.

“I had to get creative. Your dad helped immensely. Thank God for Janice keeping you late a few nights this week. I was beginning to stress it wouldn’t be done by today.”

I hear what she says, but my eyes are scanning the room, taking in everything. They fall on the piece of furniture in the middle, and waves of nostalgia slam into me. “Is that?” I don’t finish, walking to the desk.

“It is. I found a man who specializes in antiques. He stripped it and then stained it in a rich shade of mahogany. I think it turned out beautiful.”

“I haven’t seen this in years.”

“When I told Jarod what I envisioned, he immediately knew it would fit. When he explained it was your mother’s, that made it all the more perfect.”

My heart thunders in my chest, and my knees finally give out as I sink into the chair. Emotions bubble in my chest, and I fight to catch my breath. Then I see it.

Sitting on the edge of the desk is the picture. My picture.

Greer and I on our wedding day. Her lips sealed to mine. My hand on her stomach feeling my daughter kick as Greer officially became my wife. The moment was flawless and permanently etched into my brain. But the picture serves as a reminder of how far I’ve come, and there’s one person responsible for that.

As if she senses I need her, she’s by my side, slipping into my lap and placing a hand over my heart.