Page 96 of Trixsters Anonymous

Then no more words are spoken before he has me naked and proves my theory that he is good at everything.

/> Chapter 19


It can’t be. I rewind the video, and instead of focusing on the foursome, I close my eyes and listen. It’s there… barely, but it’s there.

The undeniable sound of a breath hitching, followed by a low squeak. But it’s not the noise that catches my attention; it’s who’s making it.

I’ve heard it before, over and over. The similarity is uncanny. Emi’s face fills my mind, the sound whishing through the air.

I’d bet my badge that’s Emi.

I listen closer, only picking up a few rustles, probably someone repositioning themselves in the bushes.

Then it happens again, right as the orgy finishes. This time, it’s a horrified sigh mixed with disgust.

The same sigh I heard when Emi’s parents decided to harass her last Sunday in the car.

The same sigh Emi let out when Maren embarrassed her at the bar.

What the fuck is happening here?

I listen twice more and reach for my phone, dialing Marcus.

“Walker, you ready for tonight?” he asks.

“Yeah, we’re ready, but that’s not why I’m calling. I need more information on your client.” I cut to the chase.

“Which one?”

“The divorce, the video, the fucking disgusting shit you sent me.”

“What do you want to know? I can’t say much.”

“You said the client said she received this anonymously, correct?”


“But whoever is filming this is obviously on their personal property.”

“Looks like it, but now, we’re skating close to confidential information.”

“Tell me this. Can you confirm or deny your client hired someone to catch her husband?”

“I can’t CONFIRM or deny that insinuation.”

The way he says CONFRIM gives me all I need. “Okay, thanks.”

“Wait, do you know something?”

“Not yet, but I should kick your ass for bringing me into this. Now, my curiosity is running wild.”

“Did you talk to Emi?”

“Kinda, but I’ve had a lot on my mind,” I lie. I did talk to Emi, but I’m not ready to get into details.

“Leave it alone. You have more important things to work out. Like I said, it doesn’t affect my case. I shouldn’t have asked.”