Page 72 of Trixsters Anonymous

As I drive up to my childhood home, my parents are on the front porch waiting. Dad walks down to greet me, helping me with my bag while draping an arm over my shoulder in a sideways hug. Mom is a lot more affectionate, wrapping her arms around me so tightly I cough for air.

“It’s been too long,” she complains.

“I saw you less than two months ago, and we talk once a week.”

“Well, apparently, talking to you isn’t working because you’ve left out some of the crucial details of your life.”

“Not really, Mom,” I lie. Since I’ve seen her, I’ve become part owner in an underground business, provided information to decimate one engagement and three marriages, and fallen madly in love.

She pulls back from the embrace and studies me closely. Then she looks at my dad, giving him a small nod and some sort of non-verbal communication.

Together, they usher me inside, my dad taking my bag to my old room and my mom dragging me to the kitchen.

“Sit,” she orders, taking three bottles of beer out of the refrigerator. I gratefully take the one that’s offered and do as she says.

My dad joins us, hopping on the opposite counter so he’s directly in my line of sight. “Your mom tells me you have a new boyfriend.”

“Yeah,” I confirm. “His name is Walker. He’s a detective for the Charleston Police department. We met about a month ago.”

There, that’s a good opening. Covered the bases.

“Spill,” Mom commands. “And don’t think you’re skimming over this. I’ve been waiting weeks.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Ollie’s mom told me about Walker the day after you met. Then Sylvia Caine mentioned him several times. I’ve waited and waited for you to bring him up, and I’m done waiting.”

“Sylvia Caine? Maren’s mom knows?”

“Of course, she knows. Maren doesn’t keep anything from her mother.”

I bite my tongue to keep from spewing ‘bullshit’, and she goes on.

“Sylvia was worried about you going into a relationship right as Maren was getting out of one. But she said Maren likes Walker.”

My dad clears his throat, calling my attention to him. “Maren likes Walker, but what about Emi? What exactly does my little girl think of him?”

“Thomas, you can take one look at her and know she likes him. Don’t act blind.” Mom jumps in, not giving me a chance to answer.

“Dawn, let her talk.” His eyes stay trained on me.

“Yes, Daddy, Emi likes Walker, a lot,” I admit, not skipping a beat. “And you’re going to like him, too. You have things in common. He’s a man’s man—hunts, fishes, loves sports.”

“That’s good enough for me. Look forward to meeting him.” He hops off the counter and comes to kiss me on the forehead, then leaves me alone with my mom.

“You’ve known about him for a while and today decided to ambush me?”

“I was respecting your privacy but couldn’t put it off any longer. When Nina’s mom forwarded me the picture, I had to intervene.”

“Had to?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Yes, Emi. You’re crazy about him. It’s plain to see, so tell me more before the crew gets here.”

Obviously, my method of spinning my relationship is useless; my mom is already encouraged. Her expression says it all. It’s filled with hope, excitement, and joy.

All the nervousness and anxiety from this morning fade away as those same emotions swirl inside.

I smile into the rim of the bottle, taking a slow sip before I begin. “We’ll start with how he handled Carlton, and then I’ll tell you about my yoga mishap…”