Page 64 of Trixsters Anonymous

His eyes start to twinkle as his lips twitch. “Do you really want to know?”

I nod, an uneasy feeling sinking in.

“The cop at the door recognized your crew. He called me and let me know you were here.”

“Why’d he do that?”

“Because he not only knows you’re mine, but also that you have a penchant for trouble.”

“I do not!”

“His words, babe, not mine. Said, last summer, you and the girls caused a brawl at a similar bar and he wasn’t up for it tonight.”

“That wasn’t our fault! Some man grabbed Rachel’s ass and wouldn’t let her go.” My voice grows louder and I stiffen in his lap. “We were only trying to yank his hands away.”

“It took all of you to remove his hands?”

“He was much bigger than us, and we may have had a little too much to drink.”

He full out smiles, the dimple popping. “Tonight, you have fun then and have nothing to worry about. Hopefully, I’ll be the only one grabbing ass. If not, I’ll handle it.”

To emphasize his point, his hand leaves my face and slides down until it situates directly on my butt.

The air thickens between us as the familiar sizzling desire rushes through me. His eyes blend to an almost liquid green and I’m sucked in. Without caring who’s watching, I lean in and slip my tongue along his lips, outlining his mouth. He blows out a warm breath that coats my skin. My hands brace on his chest, grasping the material of his shirt as I open my mouth, wanting more. The moment is broken when a flash goes off close and I look to see Nina, taking pictures with her phone.

“What are you doing?” I try to snatch it from her.

“Scrapbooking,” she says nonchalantly and plops back in her chair.

“I say let the guys stay. Walker has already chased off any chance of us being approached by men tonight. The whole cover you up, haul you around, and kiss you senseless routine hasn’t gone unnoticed,” Maren complains. “Besides, it’s kinda hot to watch you two. Even if I’ll only be getting rabbit action tonight.”

“Oh, my,” I groan and drop my head to Walker’s shoulder. “Please, tell me she didn’t announce that out loud.”

“Do I even want to know what rabbit action is?”

“Her rabbit is her vibrator. We bought it for her birthday last year,” Nina chimes in proudly.

“Best gift ever,” Maren agrees. “Then I got Emi one for a late Christmas present.”

I bang my head on Walker’s shoulder, muttering about finding new friends.

“How about another round?” Marcus offers, taking the attention off me.

“Yes, please, I want double, maybe triple shots this time.”

“Whatever you want, Emi,” Marcus winks at me and gives Walker a knowing look.

“Get comfortable, babe, looks like we’re staying.” Walker nips on my earlobe. “And next time we’re at your house, I want to see this rabbit.”

“I’m not sure I still have it,” I lie.

“That’s a shame.” He grins, not believing me, but thankfully dropping the subject. “Although, I doubt you’ll need it ever again.”

A few minutes later, the waitress brings over a huge tray of drinks. Two beers for Walker and Marcus and twelve shots lined up for the four of us girls. Marcus grabs a chair to sit, and I settle into Walker’s lap, his arm wrapping possessively around my middle.

The six of us enjoy the rest of the night, my friends sending me approving glances as Walker does nothing to hide his affection. By the time we get to his truck, I’m drunk and giggly, and he’s practically carrying me.

That’s the last thing I remember before I pass out in his truck.