Page 35 of Trixsters Anonymous

He was right about one thing; this thing with Emi, it’s definitely going to be fun.

“Did you kill all these?” Emi points to the mounted deer heads on the wall.

“Yeah, babe, I wouldn’t hang someone else’s.”

“Oh.” She shrugs, continuing to glance around the room. “It’s very masculine.”

“That’s good, considering I’m a man.”

My house is almost completely opposite of Emi’s. Beige walls, dark leather couches and recliners, white molding, there’s not a pop of color anywhere. The only real decorating I did was hang the mounts on the wall. To me, that was all I needed. But seeing her standing in the middle of my living room with a bright pink sweater, I realize how bland it is.

She flashes me a small grin and walks to my mantle, picking up one of the only pictures framed in my house. “Are these your Army friends?”

“A few of them. My mom had that made for me last Christmas. She took the original picture and had the American flag imposed in the background.”

“I think it’s wonderful.” She places it down and looks at my television and then back to me. “I see your priorities are in order.”

“Don’t mess with a man and his TV.”

“Could it get any bigger?” She props a hand on her hip and shakes her head. “Boys and their toys. You can probably see this from my house.”

“Now you’re calling me a boy? Thought we just established I was a man.” I take the two steps to her side and tug her close until our chests are pressed together. She tips her head back and gives me a playful grin.

“No, you’re definitely not a boy.”

I lean in and run my lips along hers softly. “You got a problem with my TV?”

“N-n-not at all, it's very big,” she stutters against my mouth

“I like big things. They serve a purpose. I think you'll find you like them, too."

“Are we still talking about your TV?"

"I'm not."

Her breath hitches, and I feel the intake of air on my own lips. No words are shared as my meaning sinks in. I take advantage of my position and kiss along the outside of her mouth.

She melts into me, slanting her head and parting her lips to give me full access. My tongue slides in slowly, teasing at first then moving deeper.

Her hands glide up my chest, linking together around my neck. The skin beneath her fingers heats at her touch, and I drop my hands to her ass, pulling her hips flush to mine.

We stay like this, kissing lazily, until my lungs are out of breath.

She lets out a whimper when I break away, making me want to pick her up and carry her straight to my bed.

Her eyes flutter open, shining brightly. The memory of the first time I saw her flashes in my mind.

This time, the gorgeous radiance is directed only at me.

"Been thinking about that since I left your place Sunday."

"Me too." Suddenly, she stiffens, the dreamy expression fading into unease.

“What’s wrong?”

Her eyes dart around the room nervously, her hands falling from my neck. “I feel like we’re being watched,” she whispers as if someone else can hear.

I start to ask what she’s talking about, then it hits me. The deer.