Page 116 of Trixsters Anonymous

“The instant you get off birth control, I'll show you how it happens.”

He speaks so bluntly, so matter of fact, that images of he and me and a brood of kids fills my head.

“Walker, I think we have a ways to go before we get to that point.”

He smiles, the prickle of his facial scruff tickling my hand. “Maybe.”

My heart swells at his declaration. Then my senses kick in.

“I think it would be highly frowned upon to get pregnant right now. My mom would extend her prayer circle state-wide.”

He laughs, taking his eyes off the road to look at me. “I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we were married first.”

This time my heart stops, and I draw in a deep breath, the power of his words sinking in. How did we go from him wanting to strangle me over my Trixsters’ plan to discussing babies and marriage in a matter of ten minutes?

This is huge.

This is life-changing.

This is the kind of conversation you have wrapped in each other's arms, not the conversation you have in the cab of a truck on the way to meet his family.

“Baby, breathe.”

“I am,” I squeak, lightheaded.

“You freaked out?”

“Kinda,” I answer truthfully.


“You just told me you loved me a few weeks ago.”

“Telling you I love you and loving you aren't the same. I thought I explained that.”

Mayday! Mayday! My brain screams at me as that damn lump starts forming in my throat. As if he can sense my impending tears, he pulls off the road and stops.

His body turns to me, holding my hand to his chest. “Emerson, I need you to focus on me for a second. Can you do that?”

I nod.

“The first time I kissed you, I thought we established I'm not big on waiting.”

I can't speak past the lump in my throat, so I nod again

“What has you freaked out? The marriage or the kids?”

I find my voice, albeit scratchy. “Neither, but how can you be so sure you want to marry me?”

“You mean, how can I be so sure I'

m going to marry you?” His grin returns as his eyes turn a molten blue. I'm struck again at how this man can mesmerize me with only a look.

“I knew I wasn't going to go to school like Marcus or go into business like my dad. I knew I was meant to be a soldier. After basic training, I knew I wanted to be an officer. I worked my ass off in every way to get to where I am today on the force. When I want something, I feel it to my soul. That's how I felt the first time I saw you. When Oliver touched your hand in the station, alarm bells went off in my head. Something inside of me screamed you were mine.”

“Dammit to hell!” I hiccup as a tear escapes and trickles down my cheek.

His grin grows. “Do you know where I stand now?” He gives me the voice I love so much—the perfect mix of huskiness and sexy.