Page 83 of Smokescreen

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I think my parents are fine. They’re worried but know to avoid any questions and stay clear of the press. They may go away for a few days and take Amy with them. Laci is livid so I think she wants a few minutes alone with Edward too when Jake gets him. Landon and Ryan are worried, but know not to talk to anyone. I had to leave messages for my closest clients.”

“Tell your parents and Amy to come here. There’s plenty of room.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I want you with the people who love you. If I know Jake, this will be over in a few days. He’s good at his job.”

“Okay, I’ll call them back. You ready to work on the press releases now?”

“Yeah, babe, let’s get Chris too. He’s going to need to speak for you.”

She nods and gets her laptop, sitting beside me. I call for Chris and everyone piles back in the living room. For the next two hours, we run through scenarios and plan a release for each. Dana calls around nine from the office. Even though it’s Saturday, she is gauging the staff and watching for Edward. She’s also waiting for the press to start calling.

“Max, Matt just called and said to turn on the TV,” Mom yells.

I grab the remote and pull Stella to me. The reporter comes on at the same time her phone starts ringing. She looks at me with a look of despair.

The usually perky reporter, who I recognize from TV as well as local appearances, stares into the camera with a look of pure agony as she reads from the teleprompter. She’s an acquaintance of Stella’s and it’s obvious this is hard on her.

“This morning we learned that a local public relations firm owner finds herself in the hot seat as allegations of accepting foreign bribes and possible underage solicitation surface. Stella Sullivan, owner of Sullivan PR, is being investigated for allegedly accepting foreign bribes while working with the widely popular JOS brand in South America.

“Late this summer, Sullivan PR landed the heavily sought after contract to help turn around the flailing JOS Athletic Brand. JOS, a Hurst & McCoy company, found itself in the middle of a media and public relations nightmare when it was discovered the company was misusing funds, providing unsafe working conditions, and even creating ‘sweatshops’ to meet deadlines. This international athletic line, which is known for the ‘Just One Shot’ brand, is a major employer in rural South America, providing 40% of the jobs in the area. With federal charges pending, Hurst & McCoy vowed to investigate all allegations and take appropriate action.

“Miss Sullivan was awarded the job to head public relations and marketing to help Hurst & McCoy climb back from the debilitating accusations. Throughout the months, we have heard the project plan to pour money into the impoverished community and provide safe and favorable working conditions to the people of the area. Maxwell McCoy has personally spoken with this broadcast several times outlining the philanthropic and economic changes being made to adjust the employees and communities surrounding the factory. Even though the investigation into the unsafe working conditions was never confirmed, Maxwell McCoy promised that Hurst & McCoy would never allow for doubt again. He cited the fact that his employees, their families, and the communities were a priority to Hurst & McCoy.

“Sources say that several large specialty firms bid for the opportunity to work with Hurst & McCoy on this endeavor. However, Sullivan PR, known as a small boutique firm, was awarded the job. Sources close to Hurst & McCoy say more changes came shortly after Miss Sullivan was given the project. There was a huge shift in power as Maxwell McCoy, took over and several key people in the company were terminated. Rumors even circulating that suggest Miss Sullivan and Mr. McCoy are in a romantic relationship.

“This morning, a picture surfaced showing Miss Sullivan in a private meeting with a South American Federal Official and they are exchanging a significant amount of money. The money is from Lucas Diaz who is now confirmed dead. Mr. Diaz is known to be involved in prostitution rings around the area. Shortly after this exchange, three girls have come forward with allegations that Miss S

ullivan approached them directly with an offer to work for Diaz. Each girl claims that she was offered a position at JOS as a front to solicitation.

“As the allegations continue, we have learned that South American officials have opened a full investigation into these claims and Stella Sullivan will be questioned. At this time, it is uncertain if she acted alone or if Hurst & McCoy is aware. We have reached out to Sullivan PR, Hurst & McCoy, and the JOS marketing team and received no comment before we went to air.

“We’ll keep you updated as the story unfolds.”

“Remind me to take her off my Christmas card list,” Stella sneers.

“You okay, sweetie?” my mom asks, walking up to her and wrapping her arms around her waist.

“Yeah. Actually I am. I do this for a living. People lie every day.”

“Time to get my woman to bed. I think she promised at least four hours of sleep.” I roll off the sofa and tug her out of my mom’s embrace. “We’ll see y’all in about six or seven hours.” I wag my eyebrows at the guys and Stella slaps me on the arm.

“No way! Don’t listen to him!” she calls over her shoulder as I pull her into the room. “You just embarrassed me in front of your mom.”

“You’ll get over it. She knows we have sex and I’ve been out of town for a long time. The situation wasn’t appropriate earlier, but now, I’m going to sink into my beautiful girlfriend until she helps me forget the stress for a few hours. Then we’re going to sleep until I wake up and sink into you again.”

“Max—” she starts to argue.

I push a stray strand of hair behind her ear and stare into her now honey eyes. “No, babe. I need this. I need you. I feel like I’ve let you down. The one thing you cherish most is in question because of me.”

“It’s not the one thing I cherish most anymore. I cherish you.”

“Jesus Christ, I’m a lucky motherfucker.”

“If that’s the case, then why don’t you make me lucky too.” She smiles seductively and starts undressing.