Page 23 of Smokescreen

“Max, my heart breaks for you, but why didn’t I hear from you?”

He gets up and goes to his desk. There’s a baggie on it and he brings to me. When I start to open it, the stench hits me immediately so I throw it back to him.

“Yeah, that’s what cocaine vomit smells like. The phone died on contact. I didn‘t get any of your texts until my IT guy got my new phone set up. My whole trip I was surrounded by fucking Edward, Erica, or business meetings. Every time I went to call Dana, even Edward stepped in and said his assistant would handle it. I was going out of my skin to talk to you, but knew you wanted to keep things quiet. I couldn‘t take the chance either of those assholes would get wind of us and sabotage it.”

“I want to believe you, Max, but you wounded me. One text and then no response? You’re the CEO and President of a multi-billion dollar company. You couldn‘t make a phone call?”

“Stella, please believe me when I say, I wanted to. There was very little privacy. Even when we came by to get my clothes, Edward followed me up here. I was able to send that text q

uickly with intentions of calling you that night. But Erica ruined my phone. Then when I had a few minutes to myself, I was too pissed to call. There was so much to explain and I didn’t want to do it over the phone. I was enraged, and then had to turn into a powerful businessman. Edward set me up with this group in New York, I had to be on my game.

“You have to know, I thought of you every minute I wasn’t in the heat of business. You consume me, so much so, I took the risk of bringing you here today.”

The look of pleading on his face touches me. I believe him. He’s thirty-three years old and carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. My anger fades but I remember what he just said.

“Where is crazy lady today?” I look around hoping he locked his door.

“Tuesday is her spa day. I knew we were safe. You needed to see, there is no Maxwell McCoy and Erica Hurst. It’s all a facade she keeps re-creating. I’m a one-woman man, and I need to know if that woman still wants me?”

I deflate, “Oh, Max. I was devastated on Sunday. The pictures, the lack of communication, the insecurity. I became a woman I never thought I would.”

He moves instantly, coming to kneel at my feet. “Bella, you have nothing to be insecure about. I’m crazy about you. We have a lot to learn about one another, but I feel better about getting this shit with Erica out in the open. Please give me another chance.”

“Okay.” My heart guides my words, not my head. The smile on his face is like a hit to my soul.

He doesn’t give me a chance to say another word as his mouth takes mine and he pulls me into him. The kiss is wild and heated. Tongues curling and thrashing at each other. Mouths fused together, breathing in each other and trying to make up for five days. He gently lowers us both to the ground, lying partially on top of me. My body responds by wrapping my legs around his hip and squeezing tight. He groans and I smile throughout the kiss, loving his reaction. We stay like this for minutes soaking in the taste of each other and holding tight when I finally have to pull away for air.

Laying my forehead against his, I stare into the deep blue eyes that have the power to own me.

“What do we do now?”

He shifts against me, rubbing his hard cock along my thigh. But instead of moving again he hisses.

“We pack my shit and leave here. I have some plans for us today.”

“Pack your shit for what?”

“I’m staying with you for a while. I don’t want to come back here until Erica is gone. Even then I need to have locks changed and security arrangements made.”

Panic sets in and I push him back. “You want to stay with me?” My voice harsher that I meant, but I’m freaked. I haven’t lived with anyone since college. And never a man!

Hurt fills his face but he disguises it quickly.

“No, I guess not. That was too presumptuous on my part. You still want to take things slow. After all this, I can’t blame you. I’ll move into the corporate apartment. No need to put you out.” He slides away from our position and goes to his closet. I hear him packing and zipping suitcases. My mind races with a reason to reject his idea but nothing comes. I get up quickly and walk into his closet where he’s shoveling things into separate bags.

“Max?” He doesn’t look at me. He’s resigned, rejected, and I feel like shit. He’s told me one of his deepest secrets and regrets and I freaked out.

“Look at me,” I plea.

He does slowly, showing no emotion at all. His stare is blank. A shudder runs down my spine at the lack warmth in his eyes.

“I’m a bed hog and an insomniac sometimes. I read smutty romance novels late into the night. I like my coffee with skim milk and a bit of sweetener first thing in the morning. My phone rings at crazy ass hours, but I don’t always answer it. I drink at least one glass of wine every night before I even think about dinner and I like at least three pillows of my own. My bat shit crazy friend has a key to my place. Any of that bother you?”

HIs face softens and he stalks to me, picking me up to where my legs wrap around his waist.

“I sleep naked but can fall asleep in an instant. I read The Wall Street Journal and sports magazines. I drink my coffee black but will make yours however you wish. My phone always rings but I don’t always answer. I drink scotch, but have a newfound love of wine. I can cook, so you don’t always have to worry about it. You want three pillows, fine, but I think you’ll find my chest much better. I’ll deal with Laci. And most importantly, babe, if you let me in again, I’ll take care of you like no other. There will never, ever be a need to doubt me again.

“Saying I’m crazy about you is an understatement. In the short amount of time we’ve known each other, you’ve carved a place in my heart. Feelings I’ve never felt have taken over.”