Page 121 of Smokescreen

“I’m the one who’s honored. I don’t know how you came into my life, but you have been a wonderful addition to my family.” My eyes tear up and Max is at my side in an instant.

“Pedro, Stella cries a lot when she’s happy. You must have made her smile, because these aren’t tears of sadness.”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever understand women. One minute we’re joking and the next she’s in tears. Pretty sure a broken rib is less painful than seeing her cry.”

“Man, don’t ever try to understand women. Just hope to God you find the one that shapes your life.”

“I hear ya. I’m going back to my grandma, who’s also crying watching us.”

“Wait!” I yell and launch myself at him. “Thank you for being you. I’ll expect you to call me when you get settled and in your new high school. We’ll work out a schedule.”

He nods and walks away with his cheeks blushed.

“You have that effect on people. I’m actually jealous of the boy.” Max takes me in his arms and leads me around the dance floor.

Ignoring him, I lay my cheek against his chest and breathe him in. “You have a lot of explaining to do, Maxwell Andrew. This isn’t just a party you threw together. The food, the music, the tents. This took planning.”

“Bella, anything’s possible with money.”

“Yeah, but how did you do this?”

“The minute you fell asleep in my arms in the hospital when you were rescued. I told my mom to get ready.”

“Today is perfect. I don’t think I want another ceremony.” His eyes flutter slightly and he shakes his head.

“No, I want your dreams to come true. You should have the biggest celebration you deserve. I’m a selfish man, Stella. I needed this, but I won’t take away the girlhood dream you’ve been planning in your head since you were eight.”

“You really shouldn’t listen to Laci. Everything you just said came from her mouth. But what she doesn’t know is love changes things. Being here with you, on our wedding night, surrounded by family trumps anything I ever thought I wanted.”

“Well, hopefully you won’t think this it too much then.” He looks at the man behind the bar and jerks his head.

In less than an instant, the sky lights up with fireworks. Cheers and yelling comes from our crowd, but I nestle into his arms and watch in amazement. Laci comes to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek then backs away. Letting me have this moment with my new husband. He holds me tight against him, rubbing his hand along my back.

I’m the happiest in my life. I close my eyes and thank

God for the moment I decided to bid for the job at Hurst & McCoy. While I used to think the job would catapult my future, I was completely wrong. The decision to take the chance, brought me my future in the form of Maxwell McCoy.

10 months later

I’m going to spank her. Then I’m going to tie her to the bed, fuck her, and make her listen. She knew better than to leave the office today without me.

I call Laci again, not caring if I piss her off. As soon as she answers, I bark into the phone. “Have you heard from her?”

“Jesus Christ! Not since you called me five minutes ago. I told you, she has a surprise for you. Leave her alone.”

“You obviously don’t know how I operate. First of all, I don’t do surprises when it comes to Stella. Second, I want my wife. Where is she?”

“I. Don’t. Know. She told me she was going to the spa and then to get you something special.”

“Laci, I know you think I’m crazy, but she’s due with our baby in three weeks. She disappeared without telling me and I’m fucking going crazy. I’m about to pull your fucking fiancé into this shit. Jake is the best tracker I know.”

“Fucking raw. You are fucking raw, that woman is trying to plan something, trust me. She’s fine.”

My phone beeps with an incoming call and I sigh in relief when I see Stella’s name.

“That’s her calling.” I hang up on her and switch over. “Stella, where the hell are you?!”

“Listen to me baby, there’s a driver downstairs. Grab my bag and meet me at the hospital. Call Landon and tell him to come over for Scout tonight. I’m already in a room and waiting on you. I’ll explain when you get here.”