Page 117 of Smokescreen

Erica’s jaw drops and Edward gasps. Both their faces full of shock.

“It’s true,” I say. “The contract will be sent tonight. Have your lawyer look over it and let us know by the end of next week.”

“Okay,” she says dumbfounded.

“One more thing,” my attention goes back to Edward. “I’ve talked to the guys in New York. We’re moving forward with the acquisition and the medical program. Even though you went after them with the intent to distract me, it’s a good business move.”

He gives me a look of sadness but extends his hand. I shake it willingly and then pull Stella close.

“I’ll be watching from the sidelines as you take Hurst & McCoy from the dredges and bring it back to the glory your father and I wanted. As of now, I’m officially retired. Whether or not I spend the rest of my life in jail, or riddled in shame, Hurst & McCoy is now yours.”

I jerk my chin in response and lead Stella to the door.

“Max, one more thing,” he says repeating my words from earlier. “Your dad would have been damn proud of you. He loved his family fiercely and you, your brothers, and your mom were the world to him. I’m proud of you and apologize for the pain and heartache I caused you.”

I don’t say anything because the lump in my throat won’t allow it.

But as we walk out of the hospital, a sense of peace settles in me for the first time since my dad died. It’s finally all over.

“No one, Stella, I mean it. Not one soul. If Laci pulls her shit, I’ll call security,” Max tells me again, his face turning red.

“I heard you the first four times, sweetie. No need to get angry.”

“I’m not mad, I’m serious. Since we got home two weeks ago, people have filled our house. Today it’s just you, me, and Scout.”

I nuzzle my dog’s ears as she licks my face.

“Jesus, the dog gets more attention than me.”

“Aww, poor baby. Want me to rub your ears too?”

“I want you to rub something else.”

“Are you feeling left out?” I walk up behind him and slide my hands in his pockets. He jumps so fast, I fall back. “What the hell?” I ask.

“You startled me.” He gives me a guilty look.

“For a man who wants to be touched so badly, that’s not really a way to show it.”

“Come here.”

I shake my head and back away. “Nope, going back to my dog who doesn’t cringe at my touch.”

The hurt in my voice is obvious. Since we’ve been home, Max hasn’t touched me sexually or tried to do anything but kiss me each night. He’s held me close but I miss our sexual intimacy. When I’ve asked him about it, he blows me off saying he’s making sure I’m ready.

I’ve woken up several times and caught him watching me sleep. He told me he’s waiting for the nightmares, but they never come. Each night he sits with me as I call Pedro to check on him, but he seems fine. Apparently he’s now a local hero so his social status has hit the roof. Max won’t let him go back to work for six weeks and paid him his salary, so he spends his days as a normal eighteen year old instead of worrying about money.

I try to tell Max I’m okay, but he won’t listen. He’s kept me close, insisting I work out of the home office Dana set up. Landon and Laci come here every day and we work endlessly, but every half hour, Max comes in to check on me. I tried to talk to Laci about my situation but she just says to “let him do what he needs to do.”

“Stella, come here,” he repeats himself and crosses his arms waiting.

I sit on the floor and glare at him.

“I’m coming to get you in two seconds unless you get your ass over to me.”

I remain sitting.

“Fine.” He stalks to me, lifts me by my armpits and carries me to the couch. He positions us so I’m trapped underneath him. “We need to talk.”