Page 109 of Smokescreen

His eyes light up at my outburst and then soften. “Very well. I have a team in the field now. I will know more by tonight. These guys are good, the best. They do search and rescue for some of the most elite in the world.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. “Mercenaries?”

“I prefer the term hostage rescue.”

“I want in. Tell me everything.”

“Max, you’ll know what I do. But these guys are trained. I trust them.”

I start to argue for more information until my phone rings.

“McCoy!” I shout in greeting.

“It’s Jake, get back to the station now. I’ve got a lead. But I gotta warn you. Fucking be prepared.” He hangs up and I look at Laci and Marshall.

“We need to move.” I take off running and only stop when I reach the back door and Jake puts hand to my chest.

“Man, I need you to hold your shit together tight. This is not going to be easy. Every agent and cop has tried to talk to this woman, but she’ll only talk to you. I think she knows what the fuck is going on. We’re close to a lock on the money trail and the kidnapper but no location yet. You may be able to get that for us.”

“What the fuck? I’ve been here for days with no information and now you tell me there’s been movement in the case?”

“Tone it down. I have to work by their rules. But guaranteed, if this leads us to Stella, you’ll be involved.”

I want to argue but Marshall puts his hand on my arm and tightens it. “Stella.” That’s all he has to say and I nod.

We walk through the station, now filled with people and everyone stares at me. Jake leads me into a small interrogation room and leaves me alone. Tension, stress, and anxiety fill my every nerve. This woman better have some solid information or I’m going to go fucking ballistic.

The door opens and my heart starts racing. Erica walks in with Jake closely behind her. She never looks to me until she sits down and then her eyes meet mine. I’m too furious to say anything.

“It’s my mom,” she says softly. “She’s behind all of this.”

I stay silent and Jake’s head jerks at the window behind me.

“My dad finally woke up. He told me a lot of things. Max, it’s really fucked up. He’s fucked up, my mom’s fucked up. Things are really bad.”

I sit back and cross my arms over my chest, staring at her with hatred and disgust. She swallows nervously and continues.

“Apparently my mom has known forever about my dad’s philandering ways. She overlooked it because of the money, prestige, and lifestyle he provided for her. According to my dad, about ten years ago, a woman came forward claiming to be pregnant. It would have destroyed my mom’s social status and she threatened to divorce him, taking everything. She was going after his shares of Hurst & McCoy as well.

“My dad’s greedy. The thought of losing his business and his money made him crazy. He took measures to protect himself, including illegal business decisions.”

I send Jake a knowing glance, because this information has already been turned over.

“Turns out they paid the woman off and it wasn’t my dad’s baby. My mom stayed with Dad, but their marriage became more of a business relationship.”

“I’m beginning to feel like we’re in a fucking therapy session. Are we leading up to what you know about the kidnapping of Stella Sullivan? Or are we going to need to get tissues so you can cry through your issues?” Jake sneers impatiently.

Erica looks at him with wide eyes and then looks at me pleadingly. I shrug my shoulders, still not trusting myself to speak.

“According to my dad, he noticed some shady money transfers in their personal accounts a few months ago and even the opening of an off-shore account with a few million dollars. The day he had his heart attack, he saw three hidden transactions. He told me to tell you, there was one for fifty thousand even, then another fifty thousand broken up into two payments, thirty-five and fifteen thousand. Does that mean anything to you?”

We just found our money trail for Brian Claxton’s scheme. Jake steps forward.

“You got anything concrete?” he asks her.

“Would an account number be concrete?”

“It’s a start.”