Page 9 of Smokescreen

“Do you work late often?”

“Yes, although only about two nights a week at the office. I work from home a lot. It gets lonely here when Laci leaves.”

“Is there security?”

“It’s a safe neighborhood.”

He nods and stops in front of my car. I start to give him my address, but he holds up a hand.

“I have a confession, I know where you live.”

My paperwork! The agreements I signed have all my personal information.

His lips spread in a lopsided grin, causing me to smile back. “Okay, see you in about twenty minutes.”

He shuts my door and watches me drive away. I should have mentioned there’s an entire wine fridge at my house stocked and he doesn’t have to stop, but decide to use this time to calm my nerves.

Running through the door, I tear through the house frantically clearing mostly the living room and kitchen. Deciding to change, I throw on a pair of leggings and sweater, and top my hair in a high bun. My house phone starts ringing and I remember my cell is still on silent.

“Hello!” I answer breathlessly.

“Please tell me you are out of breath for a good reason,” Laci teases.

“Yes, Max is bringing a bottle of wine over and my house was a mess.”

“Shit! Why couldn’t you have waited until after your house was cleaned on Friday? Have you lit some candles?”

“Why would I do that? And I didn’t plan this. He insisted.”

“Light the lavender candle, it’s relaxing.”

“Is it too much? I don’t want to give a wrong impression.” I reach for it anyway.

“There’s no impression to give. The way he looked at you today was purely primal. He wants you, Stella.”

“Ugh, don’t say that. Did you do your recon yet?

Is he involved with someone?”

“In my opinion, he’d have to be a complete asshole to invite himself to your house alone for a glass of wine if he’s involved with someone. He’s definitely not married. But still, I’ve got feelers out and a few searches running. He seems pretty private. Two brothers and mother living in the area.”

“I know all that, you dipshit. I may have been the one to tell you. That’s what you came up with your Google search?”

Silence. Not Good.

“What did you do?” I brace for anything.

“Well, I sort of eavesdropped and heard about your two big meetings to present the project plan.”


“I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping online for you.”

That’s it. My crazy friend is fired.

“Did you work on anything for our other clients? What about the invoices on your desk?”

“Stella Bella, I promise to do everything tomorrow. I had to get you something new to present to those stuffy suits.”