Page 96 of Smokescreen

Laci releases me and gives me a look of pure pride. “So proud of you, Stella Bella. You kicked ass.”

“Thanks. I think I’m still in shock over Max’s surprise.”

“Well, take this weekend and let it sink in. But Monday we have some big decisions to make. The phones are blowing up. Everyone wants our representation again. Those bastards that pulled back last week are now begging to have Sullivan represent them. Along with about three dozen new business proposal requests.”

“Are these all in the website queue?”

“Some, others have been call-ins, specifically wanting to talk to you. Poor Landon has been taking messages since six this morning.”

I go to my bag, pull out my phone, and look through my email and notifications then make a decision. Hopefully it won’t bite me in the ass, but this is my chance to make a statement.

“Lace, tell every client that fired us or pulled their business last week that our calendar filled up. At this rate, we won’t be able to take on new business until next spring. We voided all signed contracts last week at their request so we should be safe. But call your dad and tell him just in case someone wants to refute. When I get in on Monday, we’ll look at all the new requests. There’s no way we have time for all of them, but we’ll make the decision who we want to work with.”

“Fuck yeah!”

“And Lace, when I say we’ll look at all requests, I mean together. You’re no longer a silent partner.”

Her eyes grow wide and she starts shaking her head. “No way. That means more work, longer hours, and people will actually expect me to be nice to them,” she jokes.

“Suck it up, hussy. And if we need to, we can hire another temporary employee to help Landon in the office.”

“No need, I’ll help.” Sara says, joining our conversation. I momentarily forgot all the others that were here.

“That will be fantastic!” Laci agrees.

“We’re all doing lunch and Max’s paying. I’m starved. And after all the shit that’s happened in the last week, we deserve it. Let’s go,” Chris declares and we all agree on a place to meet.

Before Max and I leave, Ellie stops us. “I want to thank you again for this opportunity. I’m not sure why you picked me, but it has been the highlight of my career so far to interview you this morning.” Her voice cracks slightly and my heart fills with delight.

“Ellie, I chose you because I saw potential. We all need a chance to prove our worth. You did a great job. It’s no secret, a lot of people are disappointed that we didn’t go to them, but tough shit. Take this opportunity to show everyone what you’re capable of.”

“I’ll call you this afternoon when the edited version is ready. You have first viewing rights.”

“That’s fine, but I think we’ll probably watch it when it airs. Do me a favor. Don’t let me look like an idiot on screen when Max dropped his news.”

“Impossible to do, you’re cheeks filled with color and the look of surprise was priceless.” Max drapes his arm around my shoulders.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Ellie approves.

We say our goodbyes and leave the studio. For the first time in a week, I hope things are going to be all right.

Laci wasn’t kidding, the office is a madhouse. Phones are ringing off the hook and all our electronic correspondence is full. I take one look at my desk and immediately start organizing my day in my head. Scout takes her seat in the corner and falls asleep as if she’s exhausted for me.

Sara comes in at nine and waves briefly before Landon trains her on the phone system. He sits next to her filtering through emails and only passes them through to me if they are pressing. Laci takes joy in calling all the clients that dropped our business and informing them we won’t be able to take on anything new until next year. Several of them try to sidestep her and email me directly, but I reaffirm the decision.

Jake walks in at lunchtime, surprising me. “Hey! What are you doing here?”

“We still have some unanswered questions. I’m sticking close. Nice interview Friday night. Prime time coverage, public declaration of love, getting a library named after you. Quite a night.”

“Shut up.” Heat creeps up my cheeks. “Where have you been?”

“Max wanted the weekend with you alone, but I’m back now. Did you miss me?”

“Desperately so,” I tease.

“I missed you,” Laci pipes in, walking to my desk. “Do I count?”

“Sure do, sweet lips.” He winks at her and sets up his laptop on my table.